Androstanolone enanthate

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Androstanolone enanthate

Androstanolone Enanthate, also known as Stanolone Enanthate, is a synthetic, injected anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is a long-estered variant of androstanolone (dihydrotestosterone), designed to prolong the window of therapeutic effect following administration, allowing for a less frequent injection schedule compared to injections of free steroid. Androstanolone enanthate is used in the medical field for the treatment of conditions associated with low androgen levels, such as hypogonadism, and for certain types of anemia. It is also utilized by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance muscle mass, strength, and physical endurance. However, its use in sports is banned by most sports organizations due to its performance-enhancing effects.

Medical Uses[edit | edit source]

Androstanolone enanthate is primarily used in the treatment of male hypogonadism, a condition where the body does not produce enough testosterone. Testosterone is essential for the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle growth. Additionally, it may be prescribed for the management of certain types of anemia, as androgens can stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Mechanism of Action[edit | edit source]

Androstanolone enanthate works by mimicking the effects of natural testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, binding to androgen receptors in the body. This binding initiates a series of events that result in the activation of specific genes responsible for the development and maintenance of male characteristics and the increase in muscle mass and strength. The enanthate ester attached to the androstanolone molecule slows down its release into the bloodstream, extending its activity and allowing for less frequent dosing than the non-esterified form.

Side Effects[edit | edit source]

The use of androstanolone enanthate can lead to a range of side effects due to its potent androgenic properties. Common side effects include acne, hair loss, increased body hair growth, and an increased risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. It can also have negative effects on cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Due to its potential to suppress natural testosterone production, it may also lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.

Legal Status[edit | edit source]

The legal status of androstanolone enanthate varies by country. In some countries, it is classified as a controlled substance, which means its use and distribution are restricted to medical purposes, and it can only be prescribed by a healthcare professional. In the sports world, androstanolone enanthate, like other anabolic steroids, is banned by most major sports organizations due to its performance-enhancing effects.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Androstanolone enanthate is a powerful anabolic steroid with significant medical and performance-enhancing uses. While it offers benefits in the treatment of certain medical conditions, its potential for abuse and the associated health risks cannot be overlooked. Individuals considering its use for bodybuilding or athletic enhancement should be aware of the legal and health implications.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD