Basket star

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Basket star is a type of echinoderm, specifically a member of the Ophiuroidea class, which also includes brittle stars. Unlike brittle stars, basket stars are typically found in deeper waters and have a more complex branching structure.

Anatomy and Physiology[edit | edit source]

Basket stars have a central disc and five arms, which repeatedly branch out into smaller and smaller subdivisions. The arms are highly flexible and can be coiled into tight spirals or spread out to form a net-like structure. The surface of the arms is covered in ossicles, small calcified plates that provide structural support.

Basket stars are filter feeders. They use their branched arms to capture small organisms, such as plankton, from the water. The prey is then transported to the mouth, located on the underside of the central disc, by cilia.

Reproduction[edit | edit source]

Basket stars reproduce both sexually and asexually. In sexual reproduction, males and females release their gametes into the water, where fertilization occurs. The resulting larvae are planktonic and eventually settle to the seafloor, where they grow into adults. Asexual reproduction occurs through a process known as fission, in which the star splits into two or more parts, each of which grows into a complete individual.

Distribution and Habitat[edit | edit source]

Basket stars are found in oceans worldwide, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. They inhabit a range of depths, from shallow coastal waters to the deep sea. They are typically found on hard substrates, such as rocks or coral reefs, where they can anchor themselves with their arms.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

While some species of basket star are common, others are rare and may be threatened by human activities such as overfishing and habitat destruction. However, due to their deep-sea habitat, they are difficult to study and their conservation status is often unknown.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD