Email archiving

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Email archiving is the process of preserving and making searchable all email to/from an individual. Email archiving solutions capture email content either directly from the email application itself or during transport. The messages are then indexed and stored on magnetic storage, with the intention of providing fast retrieval for compliance audits and responses to eDiscovery requests. Email archiving also helps in protecting the organization from legal risks and reducing storage costs by offloading emails from the primary storage to a more cost-effective secondary storage.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Email has become a critical form of communication in the modern business environment, serving not only as a means of correspondence but also as a repository of important information. As such, the need to archive emails has grown in importance for reasons ranging from legal compliance and litigation support to business continuity and information management. Email archiving solutions can be deployed as on-premises software, appliances, or cloud services, each with its own set of advantages and considerations.

Benefits[edit | edit source]

The primary benefits of email archiving include:

  • Compliance and Legal Discovery: Many industries are subject to regulations that require the retention of electronic communications for a specified period. Email archiving helps organizations comply with these regulations and prepares them for potential legal discovery requests.
  • Storage Management: By archiving emails off the primary mail server, organizations can reduce the load on their email servers, leading to improved performance and lower storage costs.
  • Data Protection: Email archiving solutions often include data protection features such as redundancy, ensuring that critical communications are preserved and recoverable in the event of data loss.
  • Knowledge Management: Archived emails can serve as a valuable knowledge base, allowing employees to search and retrieve past communications and attachments.

Challenges[edit | edit source]

While email archiving brings numerous benefits, it also presents challenges such as:

  • Data Security: Ensuring the security of archived emails is paramount, as they often contain sensitive information. Encryption and access controls are essential features of an email archiving solution.
  • Compliance Requirements: Navigating the complex landscape of compliance requirements across different industries and regions can be challenging for organizations.
  • Management and Scalability: As email volumes grow, managing and scaling the archiving solution to keep up with the demand can be difficult.

Technologies and Solutions[edit | edit source]

Email archiving technologies typically involve the capture of email content, indexing for searchability, and storage on various media types. Solutions may offer features such as deduplication, which reduces storage needs by eliminating redundant copies of emails, and eDiscovery capabilities, which enable organizations to efficiently search the archive during legal proceedings.

Regulatory Compliance[edit | edit source]

Organizations must be aware of various regulations governing email retention, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. Compliance with these regulations requires not just the ability to archive emails but also to retrieve them in a timely and complete manner.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Email archiving is a critical component of modern business operations, offering benefits in compliance, storage management, data protection, and knowledge management. However, it also presents challenges in terms of data security, compliance requirements, and management scalability. Choosing the right email archiving solution requires a careful assessment of an organization's needs, regulatory obligations, and the features offered by available solutions.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD