Golden Bust of Septimius Severus

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20130518 Septimius Severus Archeological Museum Komotini Thrace Greece

Golden Bust of Septimius Severus is a notable artifact from the Roman Empire, specifically from the period of Emperor Septimius Severus' reign. This bust is a significant piece of ancient art and Roman history, representing the artistic and cultural achievements of the time as well as the political and military power of Septimius Severus.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Golden Bust of Septimius Severus is crafted from solid gold, standing as a testament to the emperor's wealth, power, and divine status within the Roman society. The bust depicts Severus with characteristic features of Roman portraiture of the era, including detailed facial features, a stern expression, and military attire, signifying his role as a commander and ruler. The craftsmanship highlights the advanced techniques of Roman artisans in working with precious metals.

Historical Context[edit | edit source]

Septimius Severus (145-211 AD) was a Roman Emperor from 193 to 211 AD. His reign marked significant military campaigns, expansion of the empire, and internal reforms. The Golden Bust is believed to have been created during or shortly after his reign, possibly as a commemorative piece or a votive offering. It serves not only as a portrait but also as a symbol of the emperor's divine right to rule and his achievements in expanding and securing the Roman Empire.

Discovery and Significance[edit | edit source]

The exact discovery location and date of the Golden Bust of Septimius Severus remain unspecified, but such artifacts are often unearthed in archaeological sites that were significant to the Roman elite, such as villas, temples, or city centers. The bust's significance lies in its material and craftsmanship, which provide insight into the art, culture, and society of the Roman Empire during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. It also offers a glimpse into the personal imagery and propaganda of Septimius Severus, reflecting how emperors utilized art to convey power and divine status.

Preservation and Display[edit | edit source]

The preservation of the Golden Bust involves meticulous care due to its material and historical value. Techniques in conservation and restoration are applied to ensure that the bust remains a testament to Roman artistry for future generations. It is typically displayed in a museum setting, where it can be studied and appreciated within the context of Roman history and art. The display also includes interpretive materials that provide background on Septimius Severus' reign, the significance of the bust, and the techniques used in its creation and preservation.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Golden Bust of Septimius Severus is a remarkable artifact that embodies the power, wealth, and artistic achievement of the Roman Empire. It serves as a direct link to the past, offering insights into the life and reign of one of Rome's significant emperors. As a piece of cultural heritage, it continues to inspire and educate, highlighting the enduring legacy of Roman civilization.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD