Lover's fracture

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Lover's Fracture refers to a type of fracture of the calcaneus, or heel bone, that is often associated with a fall from a height, landing on the feet. This term is colloquially known as a "Lover's Fracture" because of historical anecdotes where individuals sustained the injury while jumping from the windows of their lovers' homes to avoid detection. Despite its romanticized name, a Lover's Fracture is a serious injury that can lead to long-term complications if not properly treated.

Causes[edit | edit source]

The primary cause of a Lover's Fracture is an axial load to the heel, such as what occurs during a fall from a significant height. When the foot is dorsiflexed (toes pointed upward) upon impact, the force is transmitted through the heel bone, leading to a fracture. This type of injury is common among individuals who engage in activities that involve heights, such as construction workers, but the anecdotal association with escaping lovers has given the fracture its unique name.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Symptoms of a Lover's Fracture include:

  • Severe pain in the heel
  • Swelling and bruising around the affected area
  • Difficulty bearing weight on the injured foot
  • Visible deformity in severe cases

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Diagnosis of a Lover's Fracture typically involves a physical examination followed by imaging tests. X-rays are the most common form of imaging used to confirm the presence and extent of the fracture. In some cases, a CT scan or MRI may be recommended to assess the injury in greater detail, especially if surgery is being considered.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

Treatment for a Lover's Fracture depends on the severity of the fracture. Options include:

  • Conservative treatment: For less severe fractures, treatment may involve rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), along with pain management through medication. The use of a cast or boot to immobilize the foot may also be recommended.
  • Surgical treatment: More severe fractures, especially those involving displacement of bone fragments, may require surgical intervention to realign and stabilize the bones. Surgery is often followed by a period of rehabilitation to restore strength and mobility to the foot.

Complications[edit | edit source]

If not properly treated, a Lover's Fracture can lead to complications such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis in the ankle or foot
  • Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected foot
  • Deformity of the heel

Prevention[edit | edit source]

Preventing Lover's Fractures involves taking precautions to avoid falls from heights and wearing appropriate protective gear when engaging in activities that pose a risk of such falls.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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