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Methuselah is a biblical figure known for his exceptionally long life, as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament. According to the Book of Genesis, Methuselah lived to be 969 years old, making him the oldest person whose age is mentioned in the Scripture. His longevity has made his name synonymous with great age in various cultures and religious traditions.

Biblical Account[edit | edit source]

Methuselah was the son of Enoch, who is notable for being taken by God without dying at the age of 365. Methuselah's own son was Lamech, and he was the grandfather of Noah, a central figure in the story of the Great Flood. The lineage from Adam through Seth to Noah is documented in Genesis 5, which includes the ages of these figures at the time of their death. Methuselah's age at death, 969 years, is the longest recorded in the Bible.

Name and Etymology[edit | edit source]

The name Methuselah is believed to derive from two Hebrew roots: muth, a root that means "death" and shalach, which means "to send forth". Thus, the name Methuselah could be interpreted to mean "his death shall bring" or "man of the dart/spear". This interpretation has led some scholars to speculate that Methuselah's death may have been seen as a type of harbinger for the subsequent Great Flood.

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Methuselah's extraordinary lifespan has made his name a symbol for longevity across different cultures. In scientific and popular discourse, the term "Methuselah" is often used to describe individuals or entities of great age. Additionally, Methuselah has been referenced in various literary and artistic works throughout history, symbolizing ancient wisdom, the transience of life, or the mysteries of longevity.

Interpretations and Theories[edit | edit source]

Scholars and theologians have offered various interpretations for the extreme ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, including Methuselah. Some suggest that the years may have been counted differently in the ancient world, perhaps as lunar months or as symbolic figures rather than literal solar years. Others propose that these long lifespans are to be understood metaphorically, representing virtue or significance rather than actual chronological age.

In Popular Culture[edit | edit source]

Methuselah has been depicted in numerous works of fiction, movies, and television shows, often in contexts that explore themes of longevity, morality, or the human condition. His name is also used in scientific contexts, such as the naming of the Methuselah Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on extending the human lifespan, and the Methuselah tree, one of the oldest living trees in the world, which symbolizes endurance and the passage of time.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD