Palm Sunday Compromise

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Palm Sunday Compromise refers to a significant legislative action taken in the United States Congress in March 2005, specifically designed to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case, a highly publicized legal battle over the right to die. This legislative move was named after the day it was passed, Palm Sunday, which is a Christian holiday commemorating Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The compromise was an extraordinary example of federal intervention in what was essentially a state legal matter, sparking widespread debate on issues related to end-of-life care, federalism, judicial independence, and the separation of powers.

Background[edit | edit source]

Terri Schiavo was a woman from Florida who suffered a cardiac arrest in 1990, leading to severe brain damage and a persistent vegetative state. Her husband, Michael Schiavo, and her parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, entered into a prolonged legal battle over whether to continue life support. Michael Schiavo argued that his wife would not have wanted to live in a vegetative state, while her parents contended that she might recover and should be kept alive.

Legislative Action[edit | edit source]

In response to the intense public and political pressure surrounding the case, Congress passed the Palm Sunday Compromise on March 20, 2005. This legislation allowed Terri Schiavo's parents to request a federal court review of the case, bypassing state court decisions that had consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo's right to remove his wife's feeding tube. The bill was a rare instance of Congress intervening in a specific legal case, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush, who returned to Washington D.C. from his vacation specifically to enact the bill.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

The Palm Sunday Compromise ignited a firestorm of controversy. Supporters argued that the federal government had a moral obligation to intervene in order to protect the life of Terri Schiavo. Critics, however, saw it as an unprecedented overreach by the federal government into personal family matters and a violation of the principles of federalism and judicial independence. Legal scholars and ethicists also debated the implications of the law for future end-of-life cases and the autonomy of individuals to make their own medical decisions.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Despite the federal intervention, the U.S. federal courts declined to order the reinsertion of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, and she died on March 31, 2005. The Palm Sunday Compromise remains a controversial chapter in American legal and political history, often cited in discussions about the limits of legislative and executive power, the role of the courts, and the ethical considerations surrounding end-of-life care.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD