Pediculus humanus capitis

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Pediculus humanus capitis is a species of louse that infests humans, commonly known as the head louse. It is an obligate ectoparasite of humans, meaning it can only survive by feeding on human blood. Head lice are spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person.

Biology[edit | edit source]

Head lice are small, wingless insects that are about the size of a sesame seed. They have six legs, each ending in a claw, which they use to cling to hair. They are grayish-white or tan in color and can be difficult to see against the scalp. Head lice feed on human blood several times a day and live close to the scalp to maintain their body temperature.

Life Cycle[edit | edit source]

The life cycle of the head louse consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The female louse lays eggs, or nits, on the hair shaft close to the scalp, where the temperature is perfect for incubation. After about a week, the nits hatch into nymphs, which mature into adults about a week later. Adult lice can live for up to 30 days on a person's head.

Transmission[edit | edit source]

Head lice are spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person. They cannot jump or fly, so transmission occurs when there is direct contact. Sharing of personal items like combs, brushes, hats, and headphones can also lead to transmission.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

Treatment for head lice typically involves the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications that kill lice and their eggs. These are usually applied to the hair and scalp. In addition, all clothing and bedding used by the infested person should be washed in hot water.

Prevention[edit | edit source]

Prevention of head lice infestations involves avoiding head-to-head contact and not sharing personal items like combs, brushes, and hats. Regular checks for lice and nits can also help detect an infestation early.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD