2021 Kellogg's strike

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2021 Kellogg's Strike

The 2021 Kellogg's Strike was a significant labor action involving employees of the Kellogg Company, a major American multinational food manufacturing company. The strike began in October 2021 and lasted for several weeks, affecting Kellogg's cereal plants in multiple locations across the United States. The strike was primarily centered around issues of wages, working conditions, and contract negotiations between the company and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International Union (BCTGM), which represented the striking workers.

Background[edit | edit source]

The roots of the 2021 Kellogg's Strike can be traced back to the broader context of labor disputes in the United States, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers across various sectors were demanding better pay, improved working conditions, and greater job security. Within this climate, the Kellogg's workers, represented by the BCTGM, entered into negotiations with the company as their contract was due to expire in 2021.

Causes[edit | edit source]

The primary causes of the strike were related to disagreements over wages, benefits, and working conditions. The union accused Kellogg's of seeking to implement a two-tier wage system that would significantly reduce the pay and benefits for new employees, potentially creating divisions among the workforce. Additionally, concerns were raised about excessive mandatory overtime and the lack of job security, with the company allegedly threatening to move jobs to Mexico if the workers did not accept the proposed terms.

Course of the Strike[edit | edit source]

The strike officially commenced in early October 2021, with approximately 1,400 workers walking out from Kellogg's cereal plants in Battle Creek, Michigan; Omaha, Nebraska; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee. These plants were responsible for producing a significant portion of the company's cereal products in the United States.

During the strike, both sides engaged in a public relations battle. Kellogg's claimed that it offered fair wage increases and benefits, while the union highlighted the company's profitability and the CEO's substantial compensation as evidence that the company could afford to meet the workers' demands.

Resolution[edit | edit source]

After several weeks of striking, negotiations, and public pressure, the strike came to an end in December 2021. The union and Kellogg's reached an agreement that included wage increases, enhanced benefits, and provisions that addressed some of the union's concerns regarding the two-tier wage system and job security. The agreement was ratified by the union members, allowing them to return to work with improved terms.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The 2021 Kellogg's Strike had several significant impacts. It highlighted the growing tensions between workers and employers in the post-pandemic economy, with workers increasingly willing to take collective action to demand better conditions. The strike also brought attention to the issue of two-tier wage systems and their potential to undermine solidarity among workers. Furthermore, the successful resolution of the strike was seen as a victory for organized labor, potentially setting a precedent for future labor disputes in similar industries.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD