Bongkrek acid

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Bongkrek acid is a potent toxin associated with outbreaks of food poisoning, particularly in fermented coconut and corn products. This toxic compound is primarily produced by the bacterium Pseudomonas cocovenenans, now reclassified as Burkholderia gladioli pv. cocovenenans. Bongkrek acid poisoning has been most commonly reported in Indonesia and China, where the fermentation of coconut or corn to produce traditional foods such as tempe bongkrek is practiced. The consumption of food contaminated with bongkrek acid can lead to severe and often fatal outcomes, making it a significant concern for food safety.

Production and Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Bongkrek acid is a respiratory toxin that inhibits the function of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocase, preventing cellular energy production. This mode of action is similar to that of other mitochondrial toxins, such as cyanide and arsenic, which disrupt cellular respiration. The bacterium responsible for producing bongkrek acid, Burkholderia gladioli pv. cocovenenans, thrives in environments where there is a combination of high moisture and temperature, conditions often found in the process of fermenting food products.

Symptoms and Treatment[edit | edit source]

The symptoms of bongkrek acid poisoning can appear within a few hours to a couple of days after ingestion of contaminated food. Initial symptoms include stomach pain, sweating, general weakness, and eventually severe complications such as liver and kidney failure, metabolic acidosis, and coma. Due to its mechanism of action, bongkrek acid poisoning can rapidly progress to respiratory failure and death if not treated promptly.

Treatment of bongkrek acid poisoning is primarily supportive, as there is no specific antidote. Management includes the administration of activated charcoal to limit absorption, supportive care to maintain vital functions, and dialysis in cases of kidney failure. Early intervention is crucial to improve the chances of survival.

Prevention[edit | edit source]

Prevention of bongkrek acid poisoning is primarily focused on controlling the fermentation process to inhibit the growth of Burkholderia gladioli pv. cocovenenans. This includes maintaining sanitary conditions, controlling temperature and moisture during fermentation, and avoiding the use of contaminated ingredients. Public health education on the risks associated with homemade fermented foods is also essential to prevent outbreaks.

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

Bongkrek acid poisoning is relatively rare but has caused several fatal outbreaks, particularly in regions where fermenting coconut or corn is a traditional practice. The most significant outbreaks have been reported in Indonesia and China, where the consumption of contaminated tempe bongkrek and other fermented foods has led to multiple fatalities.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Bongkrek acid is a deadly toxin that poses a significant risk in the production of certain fermented foods. Awareness of the conditions that favor the production of bongkrek acid and measures to prevent its formation are critical in avoiding poisoning incidents. Public health initiatives and food safety regulations play essential roles in mitigating the risks associated with bongkrek acid.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD