Facial masculinization surgery

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Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) is a subset of plastic surgery aimed at increasing the masculine features of the face. This type of surgery is often sought by transgender men and non-binary individuals who are transitioning and wish to achieve a more traditionally masculine appearance. FMS can include a variety of surgical procedures, each targeting different areas of the face to enhance or alter its masculine attributes.

Procedures[edit | edit source]

Facial masculinization surgery encompasses several procedures, which can be performed individually or in combination, depending on the patient's goals and the surgeon's recommendations. These procedures include:

  • Forehead lengthening and augmentation: This procedure aims to modify the forehead's shape to make it appear more masculine, often involving the reconstruction of the brow ridge.
  • Cheek augmentation: Implants or fat grafting can be used to enhance the prominence of the cheekbones, giving the face a more angular, masculine appearance.
  • Jaw reshaping: This involves altering the shape of the jaw to make it wider and more squared, in line with masculine facial features.
  • Chin reshaping: Similar to jaw reshaping, this procedure adjusts the size and projection of the chin to better match masculine aesthetics.
  • Rhinoplasty: Although commonly associated with feminization or general cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty can also be tailored to masculinize the nose's appearance.
  • Adam's apple enhancement: This procedure, also known as thyroid cartilage enhancement, increases the size of the Adam's apple to produce a more visibly masculine neck profile.

Candidates[edit | edit source]

Ideal candidates for facial masculinization surgery are individuals who feel that their facial features do not reflect their gender identity and are seeking to masculinize their appearance. Candidates should be in good general health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery, and have thoroughly discussed their goals with a qualified plastic surgeon who has experience in gender-affirming procedures.

Recovery and Risks[edit | edit source]

Recovery times and experiences can vary widely depending on the extent of the surgery and the number of procedures performed. Common post-operative recommendations include rest, limited physical activity, and following the surgeon's care instructions to minimize risks and promote healing.

As with any surgery, there are risks involved, including infection, scarring, and dissatisfaction with the results. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon can help minimize these risks.

Psychological Impact[edit | edit source]

The psychological benefits of facial masculinization surgery can be significant. Many patients report improved self-esteem, reduced gender dysphoria, and a better quality of life after surgery. However, it's important for patients to have access to mental health support both before and after surgery to address any concerns or emotional challenges that may arise.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Facial masculinization surgery offers individuals the opportunity to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. By carefully considering the options and potential outcomes, patients can make informed decisions that significantly impact their well-being and self-perception.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD