Fetal movements

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Fetal movements refer to the motion of a fetus caused by its own muscle activity. These movements are an important indicator of the health and well-being of the fetus during pregnancy. Fetal movements can include anything from gentle kicks and flutters to more vigorous movements as the fetus grows and gains strength.

Types of Fetal Movements[edit | edit source]

Fetal movements can be classified into several types, including:

  • Quickening: The first movements felt by the pregnant individual, usually between 16 and 25 weeks of pregnancy. These initial sensations are often described as flutters or butterflies.
  • Kicks: As the fetus grows, the movements become stronger and more defined. Kicks are the most common type of movement felt by pregnant individuals.
  • Rolling movements: These occur when the fetus changes its position inside the uterus.
  • Hiccups: Fetal hiccups are rhythmic and can be felt by the pregnant individual. They are a normal part of fetal development.

Importance of Monitoring Fetal Movements[edit | edit source]

Monitoring fetal movements is an important aspect of prenatal care. A decrease or sudden stop in fetal movement can be a sign of distress or health issues in the fetus. Pregnant individuals are often advised to perform Kick Counts as a way to monitor the health of their fetus. This involves counting the number of kicks or movements felt within a certain period.

Factors Influencing Fetal Movements[edit | edit source]

Several factors can influence the perception and frequency of fetal movements, including:

  • Position of the placenta: An anterior placenta may cushion the movements, making them less noticeable.
  • Time of day: Fetal movements are often more noticeable when the pregnant individual is resting, especially at night.
  • Maternal activity: Physical activity or stress can influence fetal movement patterns.
  • Gestational age: The type and frequency of movements change as the fetus grows. Movements may become less vigorous towards the end of pregnancy as the fetus has less room to move.

When to Seek Medical Advice[edit | edit source]

Pregnant individuals are encouraged to seek medical advice if they notice a significant decrease in fetal movements or if movements stop altogether. This could be an indication of fetal distress or other complications that require immediate attention.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD