Lateral coital position

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Lateral coital position is a sexual intercourse position described by Masters and Johnson in their human sexuality studies. Unlike the more traditional missionary position, the lateral coital position requires the partners to lie on their sides, with one partner curled behind the other. This position is noted for its potential to provide increased physical intimacy and eye contact during sexual activity, as well as potentially offering greater comfort and less physical strain for both partners.

Description[edit | edit source]

In the lateral coital position, the couple begins by lying on their sides, facing the same direction. The receiving partner lies in front, with their legs slightly bent, while the penetrating partner curls behind, adjusting their position for penetration. This configuration allows for both partners to maintain close physical contact and embrace each other, enhancing the emotional and physical intimacy of the act.

Advantages[edit | edit source]

The lateral coital position offers several advantages over more traditional positions. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience back pain or have physical limitations, as it places less strain on the body. Additionally, this position allows for prolonged sexual intercourse without excessive physical fatigue. The eye contact and physical closeness can also enhance the emotional connection between partners, making it a preferred choice for many couples seeking a more intimate sexual experience.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Several variations of the lateral coital position exist, allowing couples to adjust the position based on personal preference and comfort. These variations may involve changes in the angle of penetration, the positioning of legs, or the use of pillows for support. Experimenting with different variations can help partners find the most pleasurable and comfortable configuration for their needs.

Reception[edit | edit source]

The lateral coital position has been praised for its focus on intimacy and comfort. However, it may not be suitable for all couples, particularly those who prefer more dynamic or physically active sexual positions. The effectiveness and enjoyment of this position can vary greatly between individuals, emphasizing the importance of communication and experimentation in a healthy sexual relationship.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD