List of Jewish cuisine dishes

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Jewish cuisine refers to the cooking traditions of the Jewish people worldwide. It has evolved over many centuries, shaped by Jewish dietary laws (Kashrut), Jewish festival, and Shabbat (Sabbath) traditions. Jewish cuisine is influenced by the economics, agriculture, and culinary traditions of the many countries where Jewish communities have settled and varies widely throughout the world.

Ashkenazi dishes[edit | edit source]

Ashkenazi Jews are the Jews descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland, "Ashkenaz" being the Medieval Hebrew name for Germany.

  • Gefilte fish - A dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish, such as carp, whitefish, or pike. It is traditionally served as an appetizer.
  • Cholent - A traditional Jewish stew simmered overnight, for 12 hours or more, and traditionally eaten for lunch on Shabbat (the Sabbath).
  • Kugel - A baked pudding or casserole, most commonly made from egg noodles or potatoes.

Sephardi dishes[edit | edit source]

Sephardi Jews are the Jews descended from the Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula before their expulsion in the late 15th century.

  • Bourekas - Filled pastries made of a thin flaky dough known as phyllo.
  • Shakshuka - A dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, chili peppers, and onions, often spiced with cumin.
  • Falafel - Deep-fried balls made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both.

Mizrahi dishes[edit | edit source]

Mizrahi Jews are the Jews descended from communities of the Middle East, North Africa, and the Caucasus.

  • Sabich - A traditional Mizrahi Jewish sandwich, consisting of pita stuffed with fried eggplant and hard boiled eggs.
  • Jachnun - A Yemenite Jewish pastry that is rolled out thinly, brushed with shortening, and rolled up, similar to puff pastry.
  • Kubbeh - A dish made of bulgur, minced onions, and finely ground lean beef, lamb, goat, or camel meat with Middle Eastern spices.

See also[edit | edit source]

This is a non-exhaustive food and drink related list.


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