Night guard

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

A night guard is a removable dental appliance that is worn during sleep to protect the teeth and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) from the effects of grinding and clenching, known as bruxism. They are also used in neuromuscular dentistry to maintain a patient's optimal jaw alignment.

Types of Night Guards[edit | edit source]

Night guards come in various types and materials, and can be categorized mainly into:

  • Soft night guards: Typically used for mild or occasional cases of bruxism.
  • Dual laminate night guards: These have a softer inner layer for comfort and a harder outer layer for durability, suitable for moderate to severe bruxism.
  • Hard night guards: Made of acrylic, these are durable and recommended for severe cases of teeth grinding.

Function[edit | edit source]

The primary function of a night guard is to:

  • Prevent tooth wear and damage
  • Reduce jaw strain
  • Alleviate pain and discomfort
  • Help in managing TMJ disorders

Customization and Fitting[edit | edit source]

It is highly recommended to use a custom-fitted night guard made by a dentist. The process typically involves:

  • Dental impressions of the patient’s teeth
  • Creation of a night guard that fits the exact contour of the patient’s mouth

Over-the-counter night guards are also available but may not provide the same level of protection or comfort as a custom-fitted one.

Care and Maintenance[edit | edit source]

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of a night guard, proper care is essential:

  • Rinse before and after use
  • Clean regularly with a toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste
  • Periodically check for wear and tear
  • Store in a ventilated case

Considerations[edit | edit source]

Patients should consult with their dentist or a sleep specialist if they suspect that they are grinding their teeth at night. Wearing an ill-fitting night guard can cause or exacerbate dental issues.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD