
From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Polonium-210 (^210Po, historically known as Radium F) is a highly radioactive isotope of polonium. It is notable for its role in various applications ranging from heat sources in spacecraft to its use as a neutron source and in nuclear weapons. However, its most infamous use has been in cases of poisoning, most notably the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a former officer of the Russian Federal Security Service and a critic of the Russian government, in 2006.

Properties[edit | edit source]

^210Po is a radioactive alpha-emitting isotope with a half-life of 138.376 days. It decays directly to its stable daughter nuclide, lead-206. Polonium-210 is one of the most toxic substances known to man if ingested or inhaled, due to its intense radioactivity.

Sources and Production[edit | edit source]

Polonium-210 occurs naturally in uranium ores at very low concentrations and is a product of the decay of uranium-238. It can also be produced artificially in nuclear reactors by bombarding bismuth-209 with neutrons. Despite its rarity and the difficulty in handling it due to its high radioactivity, ^210Po can be used for various purposes, including in devices that eliminate static charges. However, its use is strictly regulated due to its hazardous nature.

Applications[edit | edit source]

Heat Source[edit | edit source]

Due to its ability to generate considerable amounts of thermal energy, ^210Po has been used as a heat source to power thermoelectric generators in spacecraft, such as in the Soviet Lunokhod program.

Neutron Source[edit | edit source]

When mixed with beryllium, polonium-210 can be used as a neutron source. This combination is useful in initiating nuclear reactions and in scientific research.

Poison[edit | edit source]

The high toxicity and radioactivity of ^210Po have led to its use as a poison. The most notable case is the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, which brought international attention to the dangers of polonium-210.

Health Effects[edit | edit source]

Exposure to polonium-210 can cause severe health effects, including acute radiation sickness and death. The alpha particles emitted by ^210Po can cause significant damage if the isotope is ingested or inhaled, as they can ionize biological molecules and disrupt cellular function.

Safety and Regulation[edit | edit source]

Due to its extreme toxicity and radioactivity, the handling and transportation of polonium-210 are subject to stringent regulations. Safety measures include the use of containment systems that prevent the release of alpha particles and minimize the risk of contamination.


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