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Tapering is a term used in the context of medicine and sports science to refer to the practice of reducing exercise in the days just before an important competition. Tapering is necessary because the training stimulus to which the body is subjected during intense, high-volume training can cause fatigue, which can impair performance. By reducing the volume of training, an athlete can reduce fatigue, allowing the body to recover and adapt to the training stimulus, thereby enhancing performance.

Physiology of Tapering[edit | edit source]

The physiological basis for tapering lies in the body's response to training. When an athlete trains intensely, the body is subjected to stress. This stress causes damage to the body's tissues, particularly the muscles. This damage triggers a response in the body, which repairs the damage and adapts to better handle the stress in the future. This process is known as supercompensation.

However, the process of supercompensation takes time. If an athlete continues to train intensely without allowing sufficient time for recovery and supercompensation to occur, the body can become overtrained, leading to fatigue and impaired performance. Tapering allows the body the necessary time to recover and supercompensate, enhancing performance.

Methods of Tapering[edit | edit source]

There are several methods of tapering, including the step taper, the exponential taper, and the linear taper. The step taper involves a sudden reduction in training volume, while the exponential taper involves a gradual reduction in training volume. The linear taper involves a steady, linear reduction in training volume.

The optimal method of tapering depends on the individual athlete and the nature of the competition. Factors to consider include the athlete's training history, the intensity and volume of the athlete's training, the athlete's current level of fatigue, and the demands of the competition.

Effects of Tapering[edit | edit source]

Research has shown that tapering can enhance performance in a variety of sports, including endurance sports such as running and cycling, as well as in strength and power sports such as weightlifting. The performance enhancements associated with tapering are believed to be due to a variety of factors, including reduced fatigue, increased muscle strength and power, improved muscle glycogen stores, and enhanced psychological readiness.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Tapering Resources
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD