Center for Medical Progress

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Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is a controversial anti-abortion organization that is best known for producing undercover recordings of conversations with officials from Planned Parenthood and other organizations involved in fetal tissue research. Founded by David Daleiden in 2013, the CMP describes itself as a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances. However, its methods and the accuracy of its reports have been widely disputed and criticized.

Background[edit | edit source]

The CMP gained national attention in 2015 when it released a series of videos that it claimed showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissues, which is illegal in the United States if profit is involved. The videos sparked widespread controversy, leading to numerous state and federal investigations into Planned Parenthood. However, these investigations did not find evidence of illegal activity by Planned Parenthood, and the organization maintains that it legally donates tissue to research institutions with the consent of the patients.

Controversies and Legal Challenges[edit | edit source]

The methods used by the CMP to obtain the recordings, including the use of fake identities and misleading representations, have raised ethical and legal questions. Critics argue that the videos were deceptively edited to misrepresent the conversations and actions of Planned Parenthood officials. In response to these allegations, Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit against the CMP, alleging fraud, illegal recording, and breach of contract, among other charges.

In addition to the lawsuit from Planned Parenthood, CMP and its founder, David Daleiden, have faced legal challenges on other fronts. In 2016, Daleiden and another CMP member were indicted in Texas on charges related to the use of fake driver's licenses to gain access to a Planned Parenthood facility, although these charges were later dismissed.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The release of the CMP videos has had a significant impact on the public discourse surrounding abortion and fetal tissue research in the United States. It has led to increased legislative efforts at the state and federal levels to defund Planned Parenthood and impose stricter regulations on abortion providers. Moreover, the controversy has intensified the debate over the ethics of using fetal tissues for medical research, a practice that supporters argue is vital for scientific advances in treating a wide range of diseases.

Criticism and Support[edit | edit source]

The CMP and its activities have been the subject of intense criticism and support. Critics, including medical professionals and bioethics experts, argue that the organization's tactics are unethical and that its claims are misleading. They contend that the CMP's actions have endangered health care providers and patients, while also undermining legitimate scientific research. Supporters, on the other hand, view the CMP as a courageous whistleblower exposing what they believe to be immoral and illegal practices in the abortion industry.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Center for Medical Progress has played a central role in reigniting the debate over abortion and fetal tissue research in the United States. While it has supporters who praise its efforts to expose what they see as unethical practices, the organization has also faced significant criticism for its methods and the accuracy of its claims. The legal and public relations battles between the CMP and its opponents are likely to continue, reflecting the deep divisions in American society over abortion and related issues.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD