Besti squat

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2011 WFSC 4d 299 Maylin Hausch Daniel Wende

Besti squat, also known as the Bulgarian split squat, is a strength exercise that targets the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings, while also engaging the core muscles for stability. This exercise variation is named after its popularity among Bulgarian weightlifters and has gained widespread recognition for its effectiveness in lower body development.

Execution[edit | edit source]

To perform a Besti squat, an individual starts by standing a couple of feet in front of a bench or a sturdy elevated surface. The exerciser then extends one leg backward, placing the top of the foot on the elevated surface. With the torso upright and core engaged, the individual lowers their body by bending the knee of the standing leg until the thigh is parallel to the ground, ensuring the knee does not extend past the toes. The movement is completed by pushing through the heel of the standing leg to return to the starting position. It is recommended to perform the exercise with controlled movements to maximize muscle engagement and minimize the risk of injury.

Benefits[edit | edit source]

The Besti squat offers several benefits, including improved balance, unilateral strength development, and increased flexibility. By isolating each leg, it helps in identifying and correcting strength imbalances between the legs. This exercise also places a significant emphasis on the gluteal muscles, making it an effective option for individuals looking to enhance their lower body strength and aesthetics.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Several variations of the Besti squat can be performed to adjust the difficulty level or target different muscle groups. These include:

  • Weighted Besti Squat: Holding dumbbells by the sides or a barbell across the shoulders to increase resistance.
  • Elevated Besti Squat: Elevating the standing foot on a platform to increase the range of motion and intensity.
  • Jumping Besti Squat: Adding a jump when rising to the starting position to incorporate plyometric training for explosive strength.

Incorporation into Training Regimens[edit | edit source]

The Besti squat can be incorporated into lower body workouts, strength training circuits, or as part of a plyometric training session. It is suitable for athletes of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and can be modified to fit the individual's fitness level and goals.

Safety Considerations[edit | edit source]

Proper form is crucial when performing the Besti squat to prevent injuries, particularly to the knees and lower back. Beginners should start with bodyweight to master the technique before adding weights. It is also important to ensure the elevated surface is stable and secure to prevent slipping or falling.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD