
From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Thesaurus is a book containing a classified list of synonyms and or definitions.

Simple languague thesaurus of health terms[edit | edit source]

  • abdomen stomach, stomach area, belly, tummy
  • abolish end, do away with, get rid of
  • accelerate hurry, speed up, make worse, make more severe
  • accessible available, on hand, understandable, usable (handicapped)
  • accommodate house, let stay with, give shelter, adjust, adapt
  • active immunity being able to fight off a specific disease once you have had that disease
  • acute sudden start, short term, quick
  • adjacent beside, next to, near, touching
  • antigen germ, bacteria, virus, poison, something in your body that your body tries to fight off, something that helps your body fight disease
  • anti-inflammatory a drug to reduce swelling, something that reduces swelling and pain, aspirin, cortisone, a drug that brings down the swelling
  • appellant name, name of the person, you, person making an appeal
  • applicant your name, name of the person, person who is applying
  • apply use, put on, rub onto, sign up for
  • arguably maybe, perhaps, possibly, could be
  • arthritis pain in joints; disease of the joints that causes swelling, pain, heat, and a sense of stiffness
  • ascertain find, find out, learn, make certain
  • assess review, sum up, evaluate, to determine value
  • asthma disease, breathing disease; long term disease of swelling of the airways of the lungs; lung disease where you have trouble breathing; disease of lungs or respiratory system
  • asymptomatic someone who is sick but does not feel or look sick
  • attack violent start, suddenly overcome by a disease, begin to harm
  • attire clothes, clothing, to dress, wear
  • autism brain disorder, illness that makes it hard for someone to talk to other people
  • available on hand, at hand, ready, near-by, handy
  • B cells disease fighting cells, cells that are made inside your bones and help fight disease, white blood cells
  • beneficiary someone who receives, person who comes out ahead
  • benign not a danger, not harmful, easily treated
  • biannual every two years, twice a year, two times every year
  • bilateral with both sides considered, two-sided, when both sides get a say, even, balanced
  • bioterrorism spreading virus or disease to cause fear or hurt
  • BMI a measure of body fat based on height and weight
  • bone density test bone strength test, a test of how solid and how strong your bones are
  • bone marrow area (or the space) inside your bones where blood cells are made
  • booster shots a shot you get months or years after your vaccine shot, to keep you safe from that disease
  • bursitis swollen, painful joints, disease that causes joint pain
  • capacity size, amount something holds, ability, space, number open
  • cardiology medical department that treats heart problems
  • carrier someone who is sick and can get other people sick; animal that is sick and can make other animals sick
  • cartilage the smooth covering on the end of bones
  • cataracts a clouding of the eye that makes it hard for people to see, cloudy eyesight, cloudy vision
  • cauterize to burn a piece of the skin or tissue (usually to stop bleeding)
  • cervix the lower part of the uterus
  • chronic constant, never ending, does not go away, long term, lasting a long time
  • clade a group of animals that can all get the same disease
  • clinical work, studies, a medical setting that involves patients
  • clinical medical, work or studies in a medical setting that involve patients
  • contaminant pollutant, poison, harmful ingredient, harmful chemical
  • contaminate spoil, infect, dirty, poison, pollute, taint
  • contract arrange, agree, make smaller and shorter
  • contraindication dangerous to give, not good for, when a drug or procedure may be harmful
  • control manage, have power over, take care of
  • COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, emphysema, a lung disease that makes breathing hard
  • cure heal, fix, make better; make completely better
  • cystitis infection causing pain when you urinate
  • decrease take less, cut back, drop, lower, fall
  • deformity a change from the normal shape, not normal, not a normal shape, oddly shaped
  • dehydrate need water, water loss, remove water
  • dementia memory loss that gets worse over time, Alzheimer’s
  • deplete empty, take all of, reduce, sap
  • discoloration change in color, not the color it normally is, odd color
  • dose amount of medicine, chemical, or radiation; amount, size
  • dust fine, dry earth, powdery dirt
  • EKG heart test, test of your heart
  • electrolytes blood salts, a type of necessary salt found in blood
  • emphysema a lung disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • endocrine related to the hormone producing systems
  • environment all the things around you in your daily life, at home and at work
  • environmental control removing harmful things from your home and work; doing something to improve the space you live in and the air you breathe
  • epidemic disease that most people get, widespread sickness
  • episode event, set amount of time, attack, brief time
  • erosions small pits, small holes in teeth or bones
  • escalate worsen, make worse, get worse, increase, grow
  • ESR a blood test
  • evident plain to see, visible, seen
  • excess rate how many people become seriously sick during a pandemic
  • exert work hard, push, struggle, exercise
  • expertise knowledge, skill, know-how, training
  • exposure around, been around, contact, come in contact with family history health information about your close relatives
  • fast go without any food or drink, not eat or drink anything
  • fatigue tired, weak feeling of the whole body, feeling tired all over
  • feasible possible, doable, workable, can be done, can do
  • febrile caused by a fever, feverish
  • flare a period of time when symptoms of a disease are worse, when your disease hurts more than normal
  • flexible moving easily, stretch easily, bend and stretch without hurting
  • fluctuate change, rise and fall, go back and forth from high to low
  • frequently often, commonly, normally, regularly, many times
  • generation time time needed for disease to spread from one person to another
  • genetics family traits, science or study of family traits or how traits (eye color, etc.) are passed from parent to child, study of blood relatives
  • glaucoma eye disease, increased eye pressure; an eye disease that can lead to blindness
  • hormone chemical, natural or manmade chemical that effects your growth, chemicals that help different parts of your body know how they should work
  • HPAI a dangerous bird flu
  • HPV a virus that can cause cervical cancer
  • attack rate number of sick people; (Use a ratio like “3 in every 10 New Yorkers are sick” or a percentage like “30 percent of all Floridians are sick.”)
  • immerse put completely in, completely cover
  • immune when your body can protect itself from a disease; protected from
  • incisors front teeth, front “biting” teeth
  • incubation period the length of time a disease is in someone’s body before they feel or look sick
  • infect disease spread by germ or virus, to get sick, to make someone sick, to spread a disease
  • infection illness caused by germs, a sickness you get from germs
  • infectious agent virus, germs, something that makes you sick, disease, flu, parasite
  • inflame make hot, red, or swollen; swollen
  • infusion put fluids or drugs directly into your blood
  • inhale breathe in; take a breath
  • inhaler breathing medicine/drug, asthma medicine
  • inherit acquire, get, obtain, be left
  • inheritance passing of traits (such as eye color) from parent to child
  • injection shot, to give medicine by needle, booster, dose
  • internal organs inside parts of your body (heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc.)
  • intravenous (IV) into your vein; into your blood stream, putting drugs or fluids directly into your blood
  • irritable sensitive, complaining, grouchy, testy
  • isolate a specific type of virus; a specific type of flu
  • joint place where two bones come together (knee, elbow, etc.)
  • kidney kidney, organ that filters blood
  • ligament a strong band of tissue that holds your joints together
  • live vaccine a vaccine that has a weakened form of the virus in it
  • locate find, place, settle, turn up
  • long-term for a long time, over a long period of time
  • macular a discolored spot on your skin
  • mammogram test to check the health of the breast
  • manage control, direct, be in charge of, take care of, watch
  • maximum the largest possible, the most
  • memory cell a cell that helps your body quickly fight diseases that you’ve gotten before
  • menopause women’s “change of life”, the change, time in a woman's life when her periods stops
  • mentality frame of mind, mind, outlook, feeling
  • metabolism process of getting energy from food, converting food into energy
  • mg milligram
  • microbes very tiny fungi, sometimes viruses, that are too small too see; bacteria, protozoa
  • mild gentle, not severe, slight, small
  • mildew fungus that grow in damp warm areas
  • mites very tiny, spider-like, animals that cause allergies and skin rashes
  • mitigate make less harmful, soften, lessen, reduce
  • molars back teeth, back “grinding” teeth
  • mold growth on food and damp surfaces
  • monitor watch, check on, watch for changes, device that measures changes
  • MRSA bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics
  • mucus fluid that coats and protects the inside of the nose, mouth, bronchial tubes and other parts of the body
  • nutritious wholesome, food that is good for you, healthy eating, healthy food
  • obscure hidden, unclear, blur, confuse
  • observe look closely, watch, see, detect, find, notice, see
  • occur happen, take place, result
  • pending coming, until, waiting on something or someone
  • pericarditis heart inflammation, swelling of the tissue covering the heart
  • persevere hold on, keep at, last, keep trying, not give up
  • persistent there all the time, constant, doesn’t go away, not giving up
  • persuade convince, talk into, win over, urge
  • petechiae tiny red or purple spot on your skin, skin rash
  • pica craving, dirt or clay eating, unusual appetite
  • podiatry the medical department that treats problems with feet, medical specialty – feet, foot doctor
  • pollute dirty, poison, taint, spoil
  • portion piece, amount, part, serving
  • post-exposure prophylaxis drug given to someone who has been near someone sick, prevention drug, drugs to prevent the spread of disease
  • potency strength, force, power, level, dose
  • preparedness readiness, alertness, to be ready, to prepare, be prepared
  • prevent stop, keep from happening, forbid, keep, hinder
  • principal main, first, head, chief, most important
  • procedure steps, method, course of action, how-to, way
  • projectile object moving with great force and speed, as in “projectile vomit”
  • prophylactic drugs given to prevent sickness or pregnancy, birth control, condom
  • prostate gland in male body that makes sperm
  • protocol method, standard, step-by-step process
  • regular usual, normal, everyday, common
  • regulate control, restrict, watch over, govern
  • relief feel better, ease, not as bad, ease or lessening from pain or discomfort
  • relieve ease, make better, soothe, rest
  • remission period of time when a disease is not active
  • renal related to the kidney
  • risk reduction reducing the chance of something (usually negative) happening
  • sanitize clean, wash, clean up, make germ-free, disinfect
  • schedule plan, planning a time to do something
  • sector group, community, neighborhood
  • seizure fit of uncontrolled movements
  • seroconversion when your body starts to make cells to fight a disease, way your body fights against disease
  • serosurvey test to see how likely you are to get a disease
  • severe strong, serious, harmful, dangerous, very bad
  • skull bones of head that protect the brain
  • socialize make friends, talk with people, meet people
  • spasm sudden, strong muscle tightening, jerk, painful twist
  • species group of plants or animals, same type, alike
  • spirometer breathing test, machine used to measure breath strength, breath strength tool indicator
  • stable ok, no change, constant, even, unchanging
  • state say, tell, condition
  • steroid medicine, drug to lessen swelling, illegal sports drugs
  • stigma mark, spot, blemish, embarrassment
  • strain specific type of plant or animal or germ
  • stress physical, mental or emotional tension or strain
  • ulterior secondary, hidden, alternate, further
  • UVA UV light, sunlight
  • UVB UV light, sunlight
  • Vaccinate to protect against disease, usually by a shot
  • vague unclear, not for sure, not certain
  • variant version, slightly different
  • viable able to live, usable, can be used
  • virulence strength; measure of how dangerous the disease is
  • voluntary voluntary, done without being forced
  • waterfowl water birds; birds that live on water; ducks, geese, and swans
  • wheeze to breathe with difficulty making a whistling sound
  • whooping cough disease of the lungs that is very easily spread to others
  • withhold deny, keep from, hold back, refuse
  • x-ray a picture of the bones and other parts inside of the body
  • zoonoses diseases that people can get from animals; diseases that are passed between animals and people

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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