Multipole expansion

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Multipole expansion is a mathematical technique used in physics and engineering to simplify the description of complex physical systems by expressing a function that depends on angles—typically the potential energy or force fields generated by a distribution of charges or masses—over a region of space in terms of simpler, constituent parts. This method is particularly useful in electrostatics, magnetostatics, and gravitational fields, where it helps in solving the Poisson's equation for potentials in the presence of distributed sources.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The basic idea behind multipole expansion is to represent a complicated spatially-dependent function as a sum of simpler functions, each of which represents a different "moment" or "pole" of the distribution. The expansion starts with the simplest, most symmetric component (the monopole), and adds progressively more complex components (dipoles, quadrupoles, etc.), which represent finer details of the distribution. This approach is analogous to approximating a complex shape with a series of simpler shapes.

Mathematical Formulation[edit | edit source]

The multipole expansion can be mathematically expressed in various forms, depending on the specific application. In electrostatics, for example, the potential \( \Phi \) at a point in space due to a distribution of charges can be expanded as:

\[ \Phi(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0} \left( \frac{q}{r} + \frac{\mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{r}}{r^3} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j} \frac{Q_{ij} r_i r_j}{r^5} + \cdots \right) \]

where \( \epsilon_0 \) is the vacuum permittivity, \( q \) is the total charge (monopole term), \( \mathbf{p} \) is the dipole moment vector, and \( Q_{ij} \) are the components of the quadrupole moment tensor, with higher-order terms following similarly.

Applications[edit | edit source]

Multipole expansions are widely used in various fields of physics and engineering:

  • In electrostatics and magnetostatics, they provide a way to calculate the fields and potentials of complex charge or current distributions by breaking them down into simpler, analyzable components.
  • In gravitational physics, they are used to describe the gravitational fields of celestial bodies, taking into account their non-spherical shape and density variations.
  • In quantum mechanics, multipole expansions are used to describe the shape of atomic and molecular orbitals and to calculate the interaction energies between different particles or systems.

Advantages and Limitations[edit | edit source]

The main advantage of multipole expansion is its ability to simplify complex problems by focusing on the most significant contributions to the potential or field. This can significantly reduce the computational complexity of a problem. However, the accuracy of the expansion depends on the distance from the source distribution and the order of the expansion. Higher-order terms become increasingly complex and may be necessary for accurate results at close distances or for highly irregular distributions.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD