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Nabothian cysts are small, benign cysts that appear on the surface of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. These cysts are also known as mucinous retention cysts or epithelial cysts. They are a common gynecological condition and are typically found during a pelvic examination or Pap smear.

Causes and Development[edit | edit source]

Nabothian cysts form when the mucous-producing glands on the cervix are covered by skin cells and become blocked. This blockage leads to the accumulation of mucus inside the glands, resulting in the formation of a cyst. The transformation of the cervical lining, which can occur during childbirth, healing processes, or as part of the cervical ectropion, often contributes to the development of these cysts.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

In most cases, nabothian cysts do not cause any symptoms and are considered harmless. They are usually small, ranging in size from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. If the cysts become particularly large, they may cause discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse or other activities that put pressure on the cervix. However, such instances are rare.

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Nabothian cysts are typically diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam. A healthcare provider may notice one or more smooth, round bumps on the cervix. If there is any uncertainty about the diagnosis, further tests, such as an ultrasound, may be conducted to rule out other conditions.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

No treatment is necessary for nabothian cysts unless they are causing symptoms. In the rare cases where cysts become large and symptomatic, a healthcare provider may choose to drain them. However, this is uncommon because the cysts are generally benign and do not lead to more serious health issues.

Prognosis[edit | edit source]

The prognosis for individuals with nabothian cysts is excellent. These cysts are benign and do not affect fertility or increase the risk of cervical cancer. In most cases, they do not require treatment and may resolve on their own over time.

Prevention[edit | edit source]

There are no specific measures to prevent the formation of nabothian cysts. Regular gynecological exams are recommended to monitor the health of the cervix and to identify any potential issues early.


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