Synonyms and antonyms (O)

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Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: hardened, obstinate, stubborn, impenitent, reprobate, callous, unfeeling, insensible, unyielding.
antonym(s): softened, flexible, tender, teachable, yielding, penitent, docile, amenable.

Syn.: submission, compliance, subservience.
antonym(s): resistance, rebellion, violation, transgression, antagonism, disobedience.

Syn.: fatness, fleshiness, corpulence, plumpness, corpulency, embonpoint.
antonym(s): leanness, thinness.

Syn.: submit, comply, yield.
antonym(s): resist, disobey, refuse, see obedience.

Syn.: appearance, sight, design, end, aim, motive, intent, view, goal.
antonym(s): idea, notion, conception, fancy, subject, proposal, purpose, effect.

Syn.: oppose, contravene, obstruct, defer to, except to, gainsay, disapprove.
antonym(s): approve, approve of.

Syn.: extrinsic, concrete, external.
antonym(s): intrinsic, abstract, notional, subjective.

Syn.: offering, presentment, gift.
antonym(s): spoliation, sacrilege, withholding, resumption, refusal, negation.

Syn.: duty, necessity, compulsion, contract, bond, covenant, belief.
antonym(s): promise, word, choice, freedom, assurance, declaration, intention, exemption.

Syn.: compel, coerce, necessitate, force, benefit, favor, accommodate, gratify, bind, constrain.
antonym(s): release, acquit, induce, persuade, annon, disoblige.

Syn.: kind, considerate, compliant, complaisant, accommodating.
antonym(s): discourteous, rude, crossgrained, perverse, unaccomadating, disobliging.

Syn.: divergent, diagonal, lateral, angular.
antonym(s): straight, rectilineal, forward.

Syn.: forgetfulness, disremembrance.
antonym(s): remembrance, recollection, memory, reminiscence, commemoration, celebration.

Syn.: censure, blame, defamation, contumely, reproach.
antonym(s): praise, panegyric, acclamation, encomium.

Syn.: odious, detrimental, pernicious, amenable, liable, blameworthy, offensive, answerable.
antonym(s): pleasant, grateful, whole some, salutary, beneficial, unamenable, independent, exempt.

Syn.: impure, immodest, indecent, lewd, four, indelicate, filthy, disgusting, foul-mouthed.
antonym(s): pure, modest, decent.

Syn.: dark, dim, lowering, indistinct, enigmatical, uncertain, doubtful, unascertained, humble, unintelligible, mean.
antonym(s): bright, luminous, distinct, lucid, plain, plain spoken, intelligible, unambiguous, ascertained, eminent, prominent.

Syn.: conceal, darken.
antonym(s): reveal, make known, discover.

Syn.: submissive, servile, deferential, cringing, sycophantic, flattering.
antonym(s): insubmissive, independent, arrogant, self assertive, impudent.

Syn.: attention, fulfilment, respect, celebration, performance, ceremony, custom, form, rule, practice.
antonym(s): inobservance, inattention, breach, disrespect, disregard, desuetude, disuse, non-performance, informality, ceremoniousness, omission,.

Syn.: regardful, attentive, mindful, obedient, watchful, heedful,.
antonym(s): disregardful, neglectful, unmindful, disobedient, heedless.

Syn.: contemplation, study, remark, attention, notice, comment.
antonym(s): disregard, oversight, inadvertence, inattention, silence, ignorance.

Syn.: remark, mark, watch, note, behold, perceive keep, heed, respect, see perceive.

Syn.: antiquated, past, effete, disused, archaic, old-fashioned.
antonym(s): fashionable, modern, current, customary, operative, extant.

Syn.: impediment, obstruction, hindrance, objection, bar, difficulty, check, obstruction.
antonym(s): course, proceeding, career, advancement.

Syn.: headstrong, stubborn, refractory, self-willed, pertinacious, obdurate, perverse, intractable.
antonym(s): amenable, complaisant, yielding, docile, ductile, characterless, irresolute, wavering.

Syn.: noisy, uproarious, clamorous, rattling.
antonym(s): subdued, quiet, noiseless, inobstreperous.

Syn.: bar, block, choke, hinder, impede, interrupt, retard, clog.
antonym(s): open, clear, pave, facilitate, expedite, further, advance, promote, accelerate, aid.

Syn.: hinderance, obstacle, impediment, see obstacle.

Syn.: entreaty, supplication, adjuration.
antonym(s): abjuration, deprecation, defiance.

Syn.: force, thrust, interfere, intrude.
antonym(s): suggest, insinuate, retire, withdraw.

Syn.: dull, stupid, unintelligent, stolid, doltish.
antonym(s): acute, clever, intelligent, quick, sharp.

Syn.: shade, overshadow, darken.
antonym(s): lighten, illumine, elucidate.

Syn.: opposite, facing.
antonym(s): hinder, reverse.

Syn.: plain, self-evident, manifest, explicit, apparent, open, patent.
antonym(s): remote, obscure, farfetched, involved, latent.

Syn.: conjuncture, opportunity, occurrence, cause, need, event, reason, necessity, opening, ground.
antonym(s): untimeliness, unseasonableness, frustration.

Syn.: cause, make, create, see produce and create.

Syn.: sometimes, casually, rarely.
antonym(s): always, regularly, constantly, frequently.

Syn.: latent, hidden, unrevealed, mysterious, secret, dark, unknown.
antonym(s): developed, plain, patent clear, familiar, exposed, open.

Syn.: possession, enjoyment, tenure.
antonym(s): ejection, eviction, dispossession.

Syn.: owner, resident, proprietor, tenant, occupier.
antonym(s): foreigner, stranger, visitor, intruder, usurper.

Syn.: employment, avocation, possession, usurpation, encroachment, tenure, calling, pursuit, trade, business, holding.
antonym(s): idleness, vacancy, leisure, abandonment, vacation, re signation.

Syn.: hold, possess, employ, fill, busy, see hold.

Syn.: befall, happen, betide, supervene, take place, appear, arise.
antonym(s): pass, threaten, impend.

Syn.: event, affair, incident, transaction, adventure, see event.

Syn.: visible, demonstrable, palpable.
antonym(s): inferential, auricular, hearsay, circumstantial, deductive, constructive.

Syn.: alone, sole, unmatched, remaining, over, fragmentary, uneven, singular, peculiar, queer, quaint, fantastical, uncommon, nondescript.
antonym(s): aggregate, consociate, matched, balanced, squared, integrant, even, common, usual, regular, normal.

Syn.: hateful, offensive, detestable, abominable.
antonym(s): delectable, grateful, acceptable, pleasant.

Syn.: hatred, offensiveness, dislike, invidiousness, jealousy, unpopularity, grudge.
antonym(s): love, tastefulness, accept, ableness, popularity, ungrudging, news, welcome.

Syn.: smell, scent, fragrance, perfume, redolence, effluvium, fume, trail, nidor.
antonym(s): inodorousness, absence of smell, want of smell.

Syn.: attack, sin, crime, umbrage, transgression, crime, misdeed, injury, wrong, affront, outrage, insult, trespass, indignity, misdemeanor.
antonym(s): defence, innocence, guiltlessness.

Syn.: displease, affront, outrage, irritate, shock, annoy, pain, wound, nettle, vex, err, fall.
antonym(s): conciliate, gratify, please.

Syn.: aggressive, obnoxious, distasteful, displeasing, foul, fetid, unsavory.
antonym(s): defensive, grateful, pleasant, savory.

Syn.: propose, exhibit, proffer, present, tender, extend, adduce, volunteer.
antonym(s): withhold, withdraw, retract, retain, alienate, divest.

Syn.: impromptu, unpremeditated, extempore, unstudied,.
antonym(s): premeditated, studied, thought out, elaborate.

Syn.: service, duty, appointment, function, employment, station, business post.
antonym(s): leisure, vacancy, resignation, sinecure.

Syn.: official, functionary, conductor, director, administrator, manager, dignitary, official.
antonym(s): member, servant, private, sinecurist.

Syn.: administrative, authoritative, negotiative, functional, professional.
antonym(s): private, unofficial, unprofessional.

Syn.: act, serve, perform.
antonym(s): retire, witness.

Syn.: meddling, interfering, pushing, forward, intrusive, intermeddling.
antonym(s): backward, negligent, remiss, unofficious, retiring, modest, backward.

Syn.: frequently, repeatedly.
antonym(s): infrequently, seldom.

Syn.: spectre, goblin, hobgoblin, [[]], bugbear, see spectre.

Syn.: aged, pristine, long-standing, ancient, preceding, antiquated, obsolete, senile antique.
antonym(s): youthful, young, recent, fresh, modern, subsequent, newfashioned, current.

Syn.: oily, unctuous, pulchritudinous.
antonym(s): harsh, dry, sour, acid, moistureless.

Syn.: augury, sign, presage, portent, forboding, prognostic, see presage.

Syn.: portentous, suggestive, threatening, foreboding, premonitory, unpropitious.
antonym(s): auspicious, propitious, encouraging.

Syn.: oversight, exclusion.
antonym(s): attention, insertion, notice.

Syn.: neglect, fail, miss, leave out, pass by, overlook, see neglect.

Syn.: all-powerful, almighty, irresistible,.
antonym(s): powers, inefficient.

Syn.: all-knowing, all-wise, infallible.
antonym(s): short sight, ignorant, fallible.

Syn.: single, undivided, individual.
antonym(s): many.

Syn.: burdensome, toilsome, heavy, responsible, oppressive, laborious, oppose, difficult.
antonym(s): light, easy, trivial, inoppressive.

Syn.: single, sole, alone, solitary.
antonym(s): many, together, mixed.

Syn.: solely, singly, merely, simply, barely.
antonym(s): among, amongst, together, collectively.

Syn.: forward, ahead, in advance.
antonym(s): backward, astorm, aback.

Syn.: distill, drop, drip, percolate, perspire, sweat, drain, leak, transude.
antonym(s): see poultice, rush, flow, stream, disgorge.

Syn.: unclose, lay open, lay dare expose, explain, disclose, initiate, begin, commence.
antonym(s): close, shut up, conceal, inclose, mystify, misinterpret, conclude, cover.

Syn.: accessible, free, available, unshut, unfolded, public, free, unrestricted, unreserved, unaffected, genuine, barefaced, undisguised, above-board, liberal, unclosed, candid, frank, ingenuous, unsettled, undetermined.
antonym(s): inaccessible, closed, barred, unavailable, shut, close, secretive, reserved, settled, determined.

Syn.: aperture, gap, opportunity, space, commencement, initiation, start, inauguration, hole, fissure, chink, beginning.
antonym(s): occlusion, obstruction, stopgap, unreasonableness, contretemps, inopportuneness, enclosure, termination, close, end, conclusion.

Syn.: act, work, produce, effect, produce an effect, have effect.
antonym(s): cease, rest, fail, misoperate.

Syn.: agency, action, exercise, production, influence, performance.
antonym(s): cessation, inaction, rest, inoperativeness, inefficacy, inefficiency, misoperation.

Syn.: active, efficacious, serviceable, binding.
antonym(s): inefficacious, inoperative.

Syn.: onerous, laborious, burdensome, tedious, wearisome, toilsome.
antonym(s): light, unburdensome, stimulating, refreshing.

Syn.: think, believe, conjecture, suppose, judge, surmise.
antonym(s): know, ascertain, verify.

Syn.: conviction, view, judgment, notion, idea, impression, estimation, theory.

Syn.: dictatorial, dogmatical, self-conceited, oracular.
antonym(s): modest, diffident, inquiring, vacillating, cautious, undemonstrative.

Syn.: timely, seasonable, appropriate, felicitous, suitable, fit, meet, auspicious.
antonym(s): inopportune, untimely, unseasonable, infelicitous.

Syn.: occasion, turn, opening, convenience.
antonym(s): inopportuneness, unseasonableness, lapse, omission, contretemps.

Syn.: withstand, resist, mutch, obstruct, confront, oppugn, bar, hinder, contravene, check, thwart.
antonym(s): aid, abet, back, support, advance, expedite.

Syn.: resistance, hostility, obstacle, obstruction, see animosity.

Syn.: facing, adverse, repugnant, inconsistent, irreconcilable, contrary, antagonistic, counter, contradictory.
antonym(s): agreeing, coincident, consentaneous.

Syn.: burden, grind, weigh down, persecute, aggrieve, maltreat, abuse, overbear, constrain.
antonym(s): encourage, support, patronize, assist, befriend.

Syn.: cruelty, tyranny, severity, injustice, hardship.
antonym(s): kindness, mercy, clemency, leniency, justice, see tyranny.

Syn.: heavy, overpowering, unjust, gallug, extortionate, grinding.
antonym(s): light, just, compassionate, see cbtjkl.

Syn.: insulting, infamous, see abusive.

Syn.: reproach, scandal, disgrace, obloquy, ignominy, odium, see obloquy and odium.

Syn.: discretion, choice, preference, deliberation, wish, election.
antonym(s): obligation, necessity, burden, compulsion.

Syn.: wealth, affluence, riches, fortune.
antonym(s): poverty, indigence, impecuniosity.

Syn.: rich, well to do, moneyed, affluent, see rich.

Syn.: unwritten, traditional, vocal, spoken, verbal.
antonym(s): written, documentary.

Syn.: eloquence, rhetoric, elocution, declamation.
antonym(s): hesitation, tardiloquence, imperfection of speech.

Syn.: sphere, circle, ball, globe.

Syn.: revolution, path, circuit, sphere.
antonym(s): eccentricity, deviation, perturbation.

Syn.: set, appoint, decree, institute, prescribe, arrange, direct, regulate, dictate, establish.
antonym(s): subvert, revoke, cancel, annul, disestablish, countermand.

Syn.: test, trial, probation, experiment.
antonym(s): argument, plea, discussion, investigation, evidence.

Syn.: arrangement, condition, sequence, direction, rank, grade, class, decree, succession, series, method, injunction, precept, command.

Syn.: arrange, dispose, regulate, adjust, direct, command, classify, ordain, enjoin, prescribe, appoint, manage, see abridgment.
antonym(s): disarrangement, confusion, unsettlement, inversion, execution, disorder.

Syn.: regular, equable, peaceable, methodical, quiet.
antonym(s): irregular, disorderly, riotous.

Syn.: statute, institute, decree, law, edict, regulation, rule.
antonym(s): custom, usage, prescription.

Syn.: settled, wonted, conventional, plain, inferior, commonplace, humdrum, matter of fact.
antonym(s): extraordinary, unusual, uncommon, superior, see futile.

Syn.: fundamental, constitutional, radical.
antonym(s): nonessential, circumstantial, contingent, provisional.

Syn.: structure, form, construction.
antonym(s): disorganization.

Syn.: shape, adjust, constitute, frame, dispose, arrange, construct.
antonym(s): distort, break up, annul, disorganize, dismember, disband.

Syn.: aperture, perforation, mouth, opening, hole, bung, bunghole.
antonym(s): obstruction, stopper, plug, imperforation.

Syn.: source, commencement, spring, cause, derivation, rise, beginning.
antonym(s): termination, conclusion, extinction.

Syn.: primary, initiatory, primordial, peculiar, pristine, ancient, former, first.
antonym(s): subsequent, terminal, modern, later, derivative.

Syn.: commence, spring, rise, start, initiate, invent, create, cause to be made, proceed, emanate.
antonym(s): prosecute, conduct, apply.

Syn.: decoration, embellishment.
antonym(s): disgrace, brand, disfigurement.

Syn.: decorated, embellished, rich, high-wrought, ornamented.
antonym(s): plain, chaste, nude, naked, bare, bald.

Syn.: correct, sound, true.
antonym(s): heretical, unorthodox.

Syn.: avowed, pretended, declared, professed, manifest, visible, nominal, apparent, outward.
antonym(s): real, genuine, concealed, unpretended, actual, veritable.

Syn.: show, parade, display, flourish, pomp, vaunting, boasting.
antonym(s): reserve, retirement, modesty, concealment, unobtrusiveness, quiet, diffidence.

Syn.: showy, vain, boastful, vainglorious.
antonym(s): modest, quiet, retired.

Syn.: banishment, expulsion, blackball.
antonym(s): admittance, enlistment, out voting.

Syn.: eject, dispossess, deprive, evict, eject, dislodge, remove.
antonym(s): install, reinstate, readmit, restore.

Syn.: outburst, tumult, commotion, insurrection, rebellion, ebullition.
antonym(s): subsidence, pacification, quelling, quiet, order, cooling.

Syn.: castaway, reprobate, vagrant, vagabond, exile, see vagabond.

Syn.: clamor, tumult, denunciation, hullabaloo, yell, noise, scream.
antonym(s): acclamation, plaudit, quiet, silence.

Syn.: outstrip, transcend, eclipse, see surpass and transcend.

Syn.: outward, outside, external, exterior.
antonym(s): inward, inside, internal, interior, see outward.

Syn.: strange, queer, grotesque, foreign, rustic, barbarous, rude.
antonym(s): fashionable, modish, native.

Syn.: brigand, bandit, robber, highwayman, freebooter, see robber.

Syn.: egress, exit, vent.
antonym(s): ingress, entrance.

Syn.: delineation, sketch, contour, draft, plan.
antonym(s): form, substance, figure, object, subject, field, ground, bulk, space.

Syn.: outlast, survive.
antonym(s): die, perish.

Syn.: prospect, view, eight, see prospect.

Syn.: outbreak, offence, wantonness, mischief, abuse, ebullition, violence, indignity, affront, insult.
antonym(s): moderation, self-control, selfrestraint, subsidence, coolness, calmness.

Syn.: excessive, unwarrantable, unjustifiable, wanton, flagrant, nefarious, atrocious, violent.
antonym(s): moderate, justifiable, reasonable.

Syn.: opening, start, commencement, exordium, beginning, inauguration, preface.
antonym(s): close, termination, conclusion, peroration.

Syn.: surpass, eclipse, overshadow.
antonym(s): foil, relieve, back.

Syn.: border, outpost, purlieu, environs, precincts.
antonym(s): interior, centre, bulk, body, mass, heart.

Syn.: plain, frank, unreserved, candid.
antonym(s): mysterious, enigmatical, reserved, taciturn, secretive, uncommunicative.

Syn.: expanded, unfolded, wrapped, patent, dispread, open, outstretched.
antonym(s): folded, contracted, closed, furled, collapsed.

Syn.: unappropriated, uncollected, ungathered.
antonym(s): appropriated, collected, gathered.

Syn.: exceed, transgress, outstrip, outwalk.
antonym(s): observe, regard, accompany, attend.

Syn.: surpass, beat, distance, eclipse.
antonym(s): follow, succeed.

Syn.: external, apparent, visible, sensible, superficial, ostensible, forthcoming, extrinsic, extraneous.
antonym(s): internal, intrinsic, withdrawn, inapparent, inward.

Syn.: outbalance, overbalance, see preponderate.

Syn.: outgeneral, circumvent, see circumvent.

Syn.: screen, abattis, propugnation, fortification, escarpment.
antonym(s): stand, position, ground, centre.

Syn.: bullying, domineering, see arrogance.

Syn.: cloudy, nubilous, lowering, murky.
antonym(s): cloudless, clear, luminous, azure.

Syn.: overload, surfeit, see charge and exaggerate.

Syn.: vanquish, get the better of, surmount, see [[conquer] key:]], overestimate, see disparage.

Syn.: redundancy, exuberance, superabundance, deluge, inundation.
antonym(s): deficiency, exhaustion, subsidence.

Syn.: transported, delighted, enraptured.
antonym(s): saddened, depressed, disgusted.

Syn.: condone, connive, disregard, oversee, supervise, inspect, survey, review, excuse, pardon, forgive, neglect.
antonym(s): visit, scrutinize, investigate, mark.

Syn.: surplus, surplusage, residue, excess, see remainder.

Syn.: governing, controlling, superior, predominant.
antonym(s): governed, controlled, inferior, see superior.

Syn.: lay-waste, devastate, see ravage.

Syn.: superintend, supervise, see overlook.

Syn.: error, omission, mistake, neglect, slip, inadvertence, inspection, superintendence.
antonym(s): scrutiny, correction, emendation, attention, mark, notice.

Syn.: deliberate, public, open, avowed, manifest.
antonym(s): covert, secret, implied, clandestine, furtive.

Syn.: destroy, subvert, upset, overturn, ruin, demolish, defeat, rout, overcome, discomfit, invert, overset, reverse.
antonym(s): restore, reinstate, construct, regenerate, redintegrate, revive, reedify.

Syn.: prelude, advance, proposal, offer, invitation, lead, initiation.
antonym(s): inaction, undemonstrativeness, quiescence.

Syn.: overestimate, overprize, overrate.
antonym(s): underestimate, underprize, underrate.

Syn.: vain, conceited, haughty, egotistical, see affable and vain.

Syn.: crush, quell, extinguish, drown, subdue, swamp.
antonym(s): raise, reinvigorate, reinstate, re-establish, rescue, extricate.

Syn.: borrow, hypothecate, attribute.
antonym(s): requite, repay, liquidate, defray.

Syn.: due, imputable, ascribable, attributable.
antonym(s): casually, perchance, by chance, by accident.

Syn.: possess, hold, have, acknowledge, avow, admit, confess.
antonym(s): alienate, forfeit, lose, disclaim, disavow, disinherit, disown, abjure, abandon.

Syn.: proprietor, possessor.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD