Synonyms and antonyms (U)

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Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: omnipresence, all-pervasiveness, boundlessness.
antonym(s): nullibiety, localization, limitation.

Syn.: loathsome, hideous, hateful, frightful, uncouth, ill-favored, unsightly, ill-looking, plain, homely, deformed, monstrous, ungainly.
antonym(s): attractive, fair, seemly, shapely, beautiful, handsome.

Syn.: further, remote, more distant, remoter, succeeding, beyond.
antonym(s): immediate, present, prior, hither.

Syn.: last, final, extreme, conclusive, remotest, farthest.
antonym(s): prior, intermediate, proximate, preliminary.

Syn.: offence, dissatisfaction, resentment, jealousy, displeasure.
antonym(s): complacency, satisfaction, gratification.

Syn.: judge, referee, arbiter, arbitrator.
antonym(s): litigant, disputant.

Syn.: strange, inexplicable, see strange.

Syn.: indiscreet, imprudent, thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash, see strange.

Syn.: unchanged, unshaken, simple, sincere, natural, real, see discreet and rash.

Syn.: accord, concord, unity, agreement, consent, consensus.
antonym(s): variance, discord, disagreement, dissent, dissentience.

Syn.: of one mind, agreeing, like-minded.
antonym(s): discordant, disagreeing.

Syn.: unquestionable, indisputable, undeniable, incontrovertible, see decide.

Syn.: necessary, certain, see controvertible and indisputable, [[unbecoming, #n/a, see inevitable.

Syn.: set free, see infidel.

Syn.: pure, spotless, unspotted, unsullied, see bird.

Syn.: boundless, excessive, unsparing, unstinted, interminable, see pure.

Syn.: wanton, licentious, dissolute, loose, lax, see boundless.

Syn.: endless, continual, continuous, perpetual, incessant, everlasting, eternal, see licentious.

Syn.: doubtful, dubious, questionable, fitful, equivocal, ambiguous, indistinct, variable, fluctuating, see certain.

Syn.: rude, discourteous, disrespectful, disobliging, see mutable and perishable.

Syn.: dirty, foul, filthy, sullied, see civil.

Syn.: rare, strange, scarce, singular, choice, unique, unusual, see clean.

Syn.: careless, indifferent, apathetic, see common.

Syn.: odd, unseemly, awk, ward, boorish, clumsy, clownish, ungraceful, strange, underbred, ungainly.
antonym(s): quaint, neat, polite, trim, modish, fashionable, graceful, courtly, well-mannered, refined, polished, well-bred.

Syn.: reveal, strip, expose, lay bare, divest, unveil, reveal, see thoughtful.

Syn.: life, spirit, force, animation, fervor, power.
antonym(s): flatness, lameness, weakness, inanimateness, coldness, perfunctoriness, lifelessness, dilutedness, vapidity.

Syn.: oily, smooth, fawning, flattering, fulsome, sycophantic, complimentary.
antonym(s): abrupt, unmannerly, uncomplimentary, sarcastic, cynical, blunt.

Syn.: wavering, hesitating, irresolute, undetermined, see cover.

Syn.: incontestable, indisputable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, see decide, see controvertible and indisputable.

Syn.: below, underneath, beneath, subordinate, lower, inferior, see [[]].

Syn.: underrate, undervalue, disparage.
antonym(s): overrate, overvalue, exaggerate.

Syn.: bear, rafter, endure, sustain, experience, see below and beneath.

Syn.: clandestine, furtive, dishonest, unfair, fraudulent, surreptitious.
antonym(s): openhanded, straightforward, fair, honest, undisguised.

Syn.: menial, subordinate.
antonym(s): master, superior.

Syn.: sap, subvert, counteract, baffle, thwart.
antonym(s): prop, support, countenance, promote, aid, corroborate.

Syn.: apprehend, comprehend, know, perceive, discern, conceive, learn, recognize, interpret, imply.
antonym(s): misapprehend, miscomprehend, ignore, misinterpret, declare, state, enunciate, express.

Syn.: knowledge, discernment, interpretation, construction, agreement, intellect, intelligence, mind, sense, conception, reason, brains.
antonym(s): ignorance, misapprehension, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misconstruction, mindlessness, irrationality.

Syn.: engage, attempt, enter upon, agree, set about, embark, stipulate, project, commence, promise.
antonym(s): decline, abandon, drop, discontinue, desist.

Syn.: enterprise, adventure, attempt, effort, project, business, see underestimate.

Syn.: quiet, still, tranquil, placid, peaceful, see discover.

Syn.: annul, frustrate, untie, unfasten, destroy, see annul.

Syn.: wave, vibration, wwlling, oscillation, bill.
antonym(s): standing, arrestation, rest, flattening, table-land, plain.

Syn.: restless, disturbed, un, quiet, stiff, awkward, see annul.

Syn.: ignorant, uncultivated, see east.

Syn.: uneven, not alike, irregular, insufficient, inadequate, illmatched, see equal.

Syn.: matchless, unique, unparalleled, novel, new, unheard of, see equal.

Syn.: infallible, sure, see fallible.

Syn.: unforeseen, unlocked for, sudden.
antonym(s): expected, provided for, foreseen.

Syn.: wrongful, dishonest, unjust, disingenuous, trickish, see ~.

Syn.: disloyal, inconstant, treacherous, see confidence.

Syn.: insensible, cruel, hard-hearted, callous, see favorable.

Syn.: clear, undisguised, veracious, sincere, see hard.

Syn.: improper, unsuitable, inconsistent, untimely, incompetent, see sincere.

Syn.: disable, incapacitate, disqualify, render unfit, see qualify.

Syn.: inaptness, inaptitude, incapacity, incompetency, disqualification, see qualify.

Syn.: unravel, disclose, unbosom, divulge, display, spread out, expand, reveal, develop, explain, declare, see qualification.

Syn.: implacable, vindictive, relentless, see expand and reveal.

Syn.: calamitous, illfated, unlucky, wretched, unhappy, miserable, see buss.

Syn.: false, groundless, baseless, vain, idle, see happy.

Syn.: unvisited, uninhabited, lone, solitary, deserted.
antonym(s): frequented.

Syn.: inhospitable, ungenial, unkind, disobliging, see false and groundless.

Syn.: clumsy, awkward, lumbering, uncouth, see fruitful.

Syn.: unruly, unmanageable, refractory, disobedient, lawless, see uncouth.

Syn.: awkward, inelegant, see lawless and refractory.

Syn.: thankless, unthankful, see ungainly.

Syn.: awkward, clumsy, uncouth, see awkward.

Syn.: misery, wretchedness, distress, woe, see awkward.

Syn.: miserable, wretched, distressed, afflicted, painful, disastrous, drear, dismal, see buss.

Syn.: unvarying, invariable, conformable, homogeneous, consistent, equal, even, alike, unvaried, regular, symmetrical, equable.
antonym(s): varying, variable, inconformable, incongruous, diverse, heterogeneous, inconsistent, irregular, unsymmetrical, multifarious, multigenous, polymorphic, bizarre, eccentric, erratic.

Syn.: dull, tedious, tiresome, unattractive, see attractive and dull.

Syn.: continuous, perpetual, unceasing, incessant, endless, see attractive and dull.

Syn.: junction, coalition, combination, agreement, harmony, conjunction, concert, league, connection, alliance, confederacy, concord, confederation, consolidation.
antonym(s): disjunction, separation, severance, divorce, disagreement, discord, disharmony, secession, disruption, multiplication, diversification, division.

Syn.: sole, matchless, singular, rare, choice, uncommon, see clean.

Syn.: harmony, agreement, concord, union.
antonym(s): discord, disharmony, disagreement, disunion, variance.

Syn.: ace, item, part, individual.
antonym(s): total, aggregate, collection, sum, mass.

Syn.: join, combine, link, attach, amalgamate, associate, coalesce, embody, merge, be mixed, conjoin, connect, couple, add, incorporate, with, cohere, concatenate, integrate, converge.
antonym(s): disjoin, sever, dissociate, separate, disamalgamate, resolve, disconnect, disintegrate, disunite, disrupt, divide, multiply, part, sunder, diverge.

Syn.: oneness, singleness, individuality, concord, conjunction, agreement, uniformity, indivisibility.
antonym(s): plurality, multitude, complexity, multiplicity, discord, disjunction, separation, severance, variety, heterogeneity, diversity, incongruity, divisibility.

Syn.: all, embracing, total, unlimited, boundless, comprehensive, entire, general, whole, exhaustive, complete.
antonym(s): partial, local, limited, incomplete, exclusive, exhaustive, exceptional.

Syn.: mysterious, hidden, obscure, unrecognized, see just and honest.

Syn.: unambiguous, plain, evident, manifest, clear, unequivocal, see lucky.

Syn.: uncalled for, useless, needless, see ambiguous.

Syn.: inexcusable, unjustifiable, see necessary.

Syn.: unrivalled, unexampled, unequalled, rare, see pleasant.

Syn.: useless, bootless, futile, fruitless, see wicked.

Syn.: absolute, unconditioned, outright, see profitable.

Syn.: irrefragable, incontrovertible, indubitable, undeniable, indisputable, see absolute.

Syn.: foolish, silly, absurd, preposterous, immoderate, exorbitant, ridiculous, see indisputable and incontestable.

Syn.: inexorable, unyielding, pitiless, stem, cruel, bard, see favorable.

Syn.: wrongful, unjust, unfair, unequitable, see hard.

Syn.: unequalled, unique, unexampled, incomparable, matchless, see righteous.

Syn.: unfold, open, discover, see incomparable.

Syn.: ungovernable, unmanageable, refractory, see tranquil.

Syn.: unbecoming, indecorous, unsuitable, unfit, unbefitting, see seasonable.

Syn.: invisible, unnoticed, unperceived, see selfish.

Syn.: disturb, derange, displace, ruffle, see visible.

Syn.: wavering, unstable, variable, fickle, restless, fitful, see indescribable.

Syn.: futile, vain, ineffectual, fruitless, unfortunate, see steady.

Syn.: trackless, pathless.
antonym(s): trodden, frequented.

Syn.: lie, falsehood, fib, fiction, fabrication, deception.
antonym(s): truth, fact, verity.

Syn.: rare, unwonted, singular, uncommon, remarkable, strange, extraordinary, see futile.

Syn.: indefatigable, persevering, tireless, see usual.

Syn.: averse, backward, disinclined, loth, reluctant, see indefatigueable.

Syn.: inflexible, unbending, stanch, stiff, determined, obstinate, see reluctant.

Syn.: reprove, taunt, reproach, chide.
antonym(s): commend, praise, eulogize, laud, compliment, applaud.

Syn.: support, sustain, elevate, raise, countenance, advocate, sanction, encourage, defend, maintain, vindicate, stand by.
antonym(s): subvert, drop, discard, betray, discountenance, oppose, discourage, attack, repudiate, abandon, abjure, renounce.

Syn.: vertical, erect, perpendicular, honest, honorable, pure, principled, conscientious, just, fair, equitable.
antonym(s): inverted, inclined, dishonest, dishonorable, corrupt, unprincipled, unconscientious.

Syn.: eradicate, extirpate, weed, deracinate, exterminate, destroy.
antonym(s): implant, sow, foster, nurture, cultivate.

Syn.: overturn, overthrow, capsize, overbalance, subvert, disestablish.
antonym(s): establish, plant, stabilitate, corroborate, confirm.

Syn.: result, conclusion, outcome.

Syn.: plebeian, mushroom.
antonym(s): personage, pptrician.

Syn.: affable, courteous, refined, polite.
antonym(s): boorish, discourteous, fined, coarse.

Syn.: politeness, ment, courtesy, polished manners, suavity, good breeding, civility, see result.

Syn.: press, push, drive, impel, propel, force, importune, solicit, animate, incite, instigate, stimulate, halten, expedite, accelerate, despatch.
antonym(s): repress, bold, retain, inhibit, coerce, restrain, cohibit, hinder, retard, discourage, damp, obstruct.

Syn.: pressing, imperative, immediate, importunate, forcible, strenuous, serious, grave, momentous, indeferrible.
antonym(s): unimportant, insignificant, trifling, trivial, deferrable.

Syn.: custom, use, fashion, prescription, treatment, see fashion.

Syn.: advantage, custom, habit, practice, service, utility, usage, see custom.

Syn.: employ, exercise, treat, practice, accustom, habituate, inure.
antonym(s): discard, suspend, ignore, avoid, disaccustom, dishabituate, disinure.

Syn.: advantageous, profitable, helpful, serviceable, beneficial, available, adapted, suited, conducive.
antonym(s): disadvantageous, unprofitable, obstructive, retardative, preventative, antagonistic, hostile, cumbersome, burdensome, unbeneficial, unavailable, inconducive, useless, fruitless, ineffectual.

Syn.: herald, introduce, precede, announce.
antonym(s): follow, attend, succeed.

Syn.: common, customary, ordinary, normal, regular, habitual, wonted, accustomed, general.
antonym(s): uncommon, rare, exceptional, uncustomary, extraordinary, abnormal, irregular, unusual.

Syn.: seize, arrogate, appropriate, assume.
antonym(s): receive, inherit, accept.

Syn.: usefulness, benefit, profit, advantage, advantageousness, service, see advantage.

Syn.: localize, economize, husband.
antonym(s): dissipate, waste, squander, sacrifice, lose.

Syn.: farthest, remotest, see advantage, unroot, greatest.
antonym(s): nearest, smallest.

Syn.: circulate, issue, promulgate, express, articulate, pronounce, speak.
antonym(s): recal, suppress, repress, hush, stifle, check, swallow.

Syn.: extreme, perfect, complete, unqualified, absolute, thorough, consummate, entire, sheer, pure.
antonym(s): imperfect, incomplete, impure.

Syn.: totally, completely, wholly, quite, altogether, entirely, see [[]].

Syn.: empty, emptiness, space, vacuity, leisure, void.
antonym(s): fullness, business, occupation.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD