Synonyms and antonyms (H)

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Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: qualification, entitlement, empowerment.
antonym(s): disqualification, depression, debasement, dishabitation.

Syn.: habituation, custom, familiarity, association, inurement, usage, practice, way, manner.
antonym(s): dishabituation, inexperience, inconversance, desuetude, see habiliments.

Syn.: regular, ordinary, perpetual, customary, usual, familiar, accustomed, wonted.
antonym(s): irregular, extraordinary, occasional, unusual, exceptional, rare.

Syn.: wild, wasted, worn, attenuated, wrinkled, ghastly, holloweyed, lean, gaunt.
antonym(s): sleek, smug, chubby, plump.

Syn.: higgle, chaffer, bargain, stickle.
antonym(s): yield, deduct, abate, reduce, discount.

Syn.: accost, address, salute, call, welcome, greet.
antonym(s): ignore, pass, cut, avoid.

Syn.: calm, serene, balmy, unruffled.
antonym(s): stormy, troublous, tempestuous, blustering, boisterous.

Syn.: moiety, bisection, dimidiation.
antonym(s): integrity, entirety, totality, whole.

Syn.: consecrate, venerate, reverence, enshrine, sanctify, dedicate.
antonym(s): desecrate, profane, blaspheme, abominate, execrate.

Syn.: stop, rest, limp, falter, hammer, stammer, demur, dubitate, pause, hold, stand still, hesitate.
antonym(s): advance, decide, determine, speed, flow, career.

Syn.: hinder, see contemptible and paltry.

Syn.: laborer, workman, operative, artisan, agency, influence, index.
antonym(s): employer.

Syn.: feel, treat, use, manage, manipulate, touch, wield, discuss.
antonym(s): drop, mismanage, bungle.

Syn.: servant, auxiliary, supporter.
antonym(s): antagonist, opponent.

Syn.: comely, good-looking, generous, liberal, beautiful, ample, pretty, graceful, lovely, elegant.
antonym(s): uncomely, ill-looking, ungenerous, illiberal, unhandsome.

Syn.: near, convenient, useful, helpful, manageable, dexterous, ready, expert.
antonym(s): remote, inconvenient, awkward, useless, cumbrous, unwieldy, unhandy.

Syn.: rest, lean, depend, suspend, poise.
antonym(s): stand.

Syn.: long, yearn, crave, hunger.
antonym(s): dislike, shun, loathe, abominate, detest, abhor, avoid, hap, see luck.

Syn.: enjoyment, wellbeing, see bliss.

Syn.: lucky, fortunate, felicitous, successful, delighted, joyous, merry, blithesome, prosperous, glad, blissful.
antonym(s): unlucky, unfortunate, infelicitous, unsuccessful, sorrowful, sorry, disapointed, dull, lugubrious, desponding, unhappy.

Syn.: speech, oration, declamation, effusion, rant.
antonym(s): stammer, stutter, mutter, mumble, drawl, insinuation, suggestion, reasoning, blandiloquence.

Syn.: weary, annoy, fatigue, jade, tease, irritate, chafe, molest, worry, vex, harrow, pester, tora, ent, tire, perplex, distress.
antonym(s): refresh, comfort, solace, relieve, soothe, animate, inspirit.

Syn.: announcer, herald, precursor, forerunner.
antonym(s): reporter, narrator, relator, historian, follower, attendant.

Syn.: haven, rest, refuge, shelter, anchorage, home, asylum, port.
antonym(s): labor, toil, peril, exposure, voyage, roving, roaming, wandering, pilgrimage, tossing.

Syn.: cherish, accommodate, entertain, encourage, indulge, shelter, foster, lodge.
antonym(s): eject, expel, discard, discourage, stifle, exclude, banish, dismiss.

Syn.: firm, dense, solid, compact, unyielding, impenetrable, arduous, difficult, grievous, distressing, rigorous, oppressive, exacting, unfeeling, stubborn, harsh, forced, constrained, inexplicable, flinty, severe, cmel, obdurate, hardened, callous.
antonym(s): soft, fluid, liquid, elastic, brittle, penetrable, easy, mild, lenient, tender, ductile, uninvolved, simple, intelligible, perspicuous.

Syn.: inure, train, habituate, confirm, indurate, consolidate, compact.
antonym(s): disinure, relax, enervate, debilitate, dishabituate, soften, melt, mollify, colliquate, vaporize.

Syn.: resolution, intrepidity, pluck, see audacity.

Syn.: barely, just, scarcely, narrowly, merely.
antonym(s): fully, amply, easily, largely, abundantly.

Syn.: trouble, burden, annoyance, grievance, calamity, infliction, endurance, affliction.
antonym(s): pleasure, amusement, alleviation, recreation, gratification, relief, assuagement, facilitation, boon, treat.

Syn.: inured, robust, strong, resolute, stout-hearted, vigorous, intrepid, brave, manly, valiant.
antonym(s): weak, uninured, delicate, irresolute, enervated, debilitated, tender, fragile.

Syn.: hurt, mischief, injury, detriment, damage, evil, wrong, misfortune, ill, mishap.
antonym(s): benefit, boon, amelioration, improvement, reparation, compensation, healing, remedy.

Syn.: innocuous, innoxious, inoffensive, innocent, gentle.
antonym(s): nocuous, noxious, hurtful, savage, cruel, deadly, violent, mischievous, destructive, pernicious.

Syn.: congruous, accordant, proportioned, uniform, melodious, musical, dulcet, tuneful, consistent, peaceful, agreeable, amicable, friendly, concordant.
antonym(s): incongruous, discordant, disproportioned, unshapely, harsh, unmelodious, sharp, grating, unfriendly, riotous, unpeaceful, quarrelsome.

Syn.: strum, hammer, drum, peg.
antonym(s): touch, handle, treat, manage, illustrate, harrow, see harass.

Syn.: rough, grating, severe, sharp, rugged, acrimonious, abusive, soul-jarring, rancorous, rigorous, discordant, gruff.
antonym(s): smooth, melodious, lenient, suave, bland, gentle, genial, kindly.

Syn.: speed, celerity, expedition, hurry, despatch, excitement, heedlessness, swiftness.
antonym(s): slowness, tardiness, delay, coolness, reflection, moderation, steadiness.

Syn.: accelerate, urge, expedite, speed, press, hurry, haste, quicken.
antonym(s): retard, impede, obstruct, demur, hesitate, halt.

Syn.: speedy, rapid, superficial, hurried, irascible, impetuous, reckless, headlong, crude, incomplete, undeveloped, immature, swift, precipitate, fiery, passionate, slight, quick, excitable, rash, cursory.
antonym(s): slow, leisurely, careful, close, reflective, developed, matured, complete, elaborate, thoughtful, deliberate.

Syn.: prepare, concoct, devise, scheme, brew, plot, contrive, incubate.
antonym(s): disconcert, upset, expose, dissipate, counteract, baffle, mar, spoil, frustrate, neutralize.

Syn.: abominable, detestable, vile, odious, heinous, execrable, loathsome, repulsive.
antonym(s): lovable, lovely, desirable, delightful, attractive, enticing, enjoyable, tempting, pleasant.

Syn.: own, possess, feel, entertain, accept, bear, enjoy, keep.
antonym(s): want, need, lose, forego, discard, reject, miss, desiderate, covet, desire.

Syn.: desolation, ruin, waste, wreck, ravage, demolition, destruction, devastation.
antonym(s): conservation, enhancement, enrichment, augmentation, development, productiveness, luxuriance, prosperity.

Syn.: sell, peddle, retail.
antonym(s): reserve, store, suppress, withhold, house, bond.

Syn.: peril, risk, jeopardy, danger, chance, imperil, dare.
antonym(s): safety, security, protection, warrant, certainty, calculation, law.

Syn.: foggy, nebulous, misty, filmy, gauzy, cloudy, murky, caliginous.
antonym(s): diaphanous, clear, crystalline, transparent.

Syn.: top, crown, chief, leader, ruler, mind, source, section, division, topic, gathering, culmination, crisis, leadership, guide, commander, acme, summit.
antonym(s): tail, bottom, foot, follower, servant, retainer, subordinate, subordination, inferiority, body, bulk, subject, continuation.

Syn.: cure, repair, restore, remedy, assuage, cicatrize, reconcile.
antonym(s): harm, hurt, wound, pierce, ulcerate.

Syn.: vigorous, sound, robust, strong, hale, salubrious, wholesome, hearty, healthful.
antonym(s): unhealthy, unsound, weak, delicate, fragile, noxious, pernicious, insalubrious.

Syn.: report, rumor, gossip.
antonym(s): personal knowledge.

Syn.: core, nucleus, kernel, interior, center, character, disposition, courage, hardihood, nature, life, feeling, benevolence.
antonym(s): exterior, hand, action, aspect, manifestation, conduct, deed, timidity.

Syn.: disconsolate, broken-hearted, woe-begone, inconsolable.
antonym(s): cheerful, hopeful, trusting.

Syn.: healthy, robust, cordial, sound, warm, honest, earnest, genuine, well, sincere, heartfelt, hale.
antonym(s): unhealthy, delicate, infirm, cold, insincere.

Syn.: cordially, zealously, sincerely, earnestly.
antonym(s): halfheartedly, insincerely.

Syn.: warmth, ardor, passion, excitement, fever, ebullition, intensity.
antonym(s): coolness, indifference, subsidence, calmness, composure, reflection.

Syn.: unconverted, unchristian, pagan, uncivilized, unbelieving.
antonym(s): christian, believing, polished, refined, civilized.

Syn.: lift, raise, uplift, upraise, sublevate, hoist.
antonym(s): dash, sink, lower, detrude, precipitate.

Syn.: weighty, ponderous, inert, slow, stupid, dull, impenetrable, stolid, cumbrous, grievous, afflictive, oppressive, burdensome, sluggish, laborious, depressed, see 180 hut.
antonym(s): light, trifling, trivial, agile, active, quick, brisk, joyous, alleviative, condolatory, inspiriting, animating, buoyant.

Syn.: bully, swagger, annoy, bluster, boast, vaunt, harass, threaten, tease, worry.
antonym(s): cower, shrink, hide, skulk, abscond.

Syn.: mind, regard, notice, attend to, observe.
antonym(s): disregard, slight, ignore.

Syn.: mindful, careful, considerate, cautious, wary, circumspect.
antonym(s): unmindful, careless, heedless, reckless, unheedful.

Syn.: altitude, elevation, tallness, summit, exaltation, culmination, top, apex, climax, acme, crisis.
antonym(s): depth, lowness, depression, littleness, base, abasement.

Syn.: exalt, increase, enhance, intensify, color, vivify, aggravate, raise, exaggerate, lift up, amplify.
antonym(s): lower, depress, diminish, deteriorate, abase, temper, tone, extenuate, modify, quality.

Syn.: hateful, fragrant, jo testable, flagitious, atrocious, odious, abominable, execrable, enormous.
antonym(s): excellent, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy, distinguished, justifiable, excusable, palliable.

Syn.: aid, succor, remedy, prevent, avoid, assist, promote, cooperate, relieve, second.
antonym(s): oppose, obstruct, aggravate, incur.

Syn.: inherited, ancestral, lineal.
antonym(s): conferred, acquired, won.

Syn.: schism, unorthodoxy.
antonym(s): orthodoxy, catholicity.

Syn.: inheritance, entailment, legacy, uoquvst.
antonym(s): acquisition, merit, wages, compensation.

Syn.: air-tight, closely.
antonym(s): loosely, misfittingly.

Syn.: brave, undaunted, chivalrous, daring, romantic, gallant, fearless, courageous, intrepid, dauntless.
antonym(s): dastardly, cowardly, cravenly, poltroonish.

Syn.: dubitate, waver, demur, scruple, falter, stammer, pause, doubt.
antonym(s): decide, determine, run, flow, career.

Syn.: unsound, hereto ical.
antonym(s): sound, orthodox.

Syn.: strange, dissimilar, alien, discordant.
antonym(s): accordant, congruous, homogeneous, sluilar.

Syn.: cut, hack, chop, fall.
antonym(s): mould, model, form, carve, engrave, sculpture, levigate, turn.

Syn.: wintry, arctic, brumal, glacial.
antonym(s): summerly, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.

Syn.: conceal, secrete, mask, dissemble, store, protect, disguise, ensconce, screen, cover, burrow.
antonym(s): expose, discover, exhibit, manifest, betray, strip.

Syn.: frightful, unshapely, monstrous, horrid, horrible, ugly, grisly, grim, ghastly.
antonym(s): graceful, beautiful, captivating, attractive.

Syn.: fly, haste, speed.
antonym(s): falter, stop, stay, lag, stick.

Syn.: elevated, lofty, tall, eminent, excellent, noble, haughty, violent, proud, exalted.
antonym(s): depressed, low, stunted, ignoble, mean, base, affable.

Syn.: greatly, exceedingly, extremely, very much.
antonym(s): hardly, barely, scarcely.

Syn.: prevent, interrupt, obstruct, retard, debar, embarrass, impede, thwart, block, stop.
antonym(s): accelerate, expedite, enable, promote, facilitate, hinderance, see hinder.

Syn.: move, turn, hang, depend, work, rotate, circulate.
antonym(s): halt, crepitate, jar, grate.

Syn.: engage, commission, employ, rent.
antonym(s): buy, purchase.

Syn.: strike, succeed, chance, reach, hazard, mistake, touch.
antonym(s): fail, mischance, err, miss.

Syn.: stick, stickle, oar, jam, catch, hang.
antonym(s): run, glide, elide, rotate, flow.

Syn.: treasure, accumulate, husband, store up, amass, heap up, lay up.
antonym(s): waste, squander, dissipate.

Syn.: harsh, grating, husky, raucous, rough, gruff.
antonym(s): mellifluous, mellow, rich, sweet, melodious.

Syn.: white, gray, silvery, frosty.
antonym(s): dark, raven, jet.

Syn.: befool, gammon, bamboozle, dupe, trick, trepan.
antonym(s): guide, enlighten, undeceive, inform, direct, correct, regulate.

Syn.: limp, falter.
antonym(s): bun, course, speed, leap.

Syn.: pursuit, whim, amusement, specialty, idiosyncrasy.
antonym(s): nuisance, horror, aversion, bugbear, scarecrow, incubus.

Syn.: romp, tomboy.
antonym(s): prude.

Syn.: keep, grasp, retain, support, restrain, defend, maintain, occupy, possess, sustain, regard, consider, cohere, continue, have.
antonym(s): drop, abandon, surrender, fail, release, desert, forego, vacate, concede, break, cease.

Syn.: sacred, reverend, pure, consecrated, religious, saintly, see pioub, devout, divine, hallowed, devout.
antonym(s): profane, evil, impure, unholy.

Syn.: fealty, allegiance, submission, worship, deference, al, fiance, respect, veneration.
antonym(s): treason, rebellion, disaffection, insubordination, defiance.

Syn.: plain, course, uncomely.
antonym(s): handsome, beautiful, refined, courtly.

Syn.: honorable, upright, virtuous, proper, right, sincere, conscientious.
antonym(s): dishonest, dishonorable, vicious, improper, wrong, insincere.

Syn.: integrity, probity, uprightness, straightforwardness, fairness, sincerity, honor, rectitude, virtue, justice, veracity.
antonym(s): dishonest, chicanery, trickery, insincerity, deception, fraud, unfairness, guile.

Syn.: respect, reverence, nobility, dignity, eminence, reputation, fame, high-mindedness, spirit, selfrespect, renown, grandeur, esteem.
antonym(s): disrespect, contempt, irreverence, slight, obscurity, degradation, disgrace, abasement, demoralization, cowardice, dishonor, infamy.

Syn.: high-minded, upright, see fallible.

Syn.: gratuitous, unofficial, unremunerative, nominal, titular.
antonym(s): official, remunerative, professional, jurisdictional.

Syn.: hiss, execrate, denounce, sibilate, decry.
antonym(s): cheer, honor, acclaim, eulogize, salute, welcome.

Syn.: anticipation, prospect, vision, longing, confidence, desire, expectation, trust.
antonym(s): despair, despondency, distrust, disbelief, abandonment, abjuration.

Syn.: abominable, detestable, dreadful, fearful, hideous, ghastly, terrific, hateful, direful, horrid, awful, frightful.
antonym(s): lovely, desirable, enjoyable, attractive, beautiful, fair, pleasant, amiable.

Syn.: fear, dread, shrinking, loathing, detestation, awe, dismay, fright, terror, excessive fear.
antonym(s): love, attraction, allurement, enticement.

Syn.: steed, charger, courser, rozinante, nag, barb.

Syn.: sociable, neighborly, charitable.
antonym(s): unsociable, exclusive, retired, unneighborly, churlish, recluse.

Syn.: multitude, number, assemblage, army.
antonym(s): handful, sprinkling, knot, group, corps, section.

Syn.: sponsor, bail, surety.
antonym(s): dictator, conqueror.

Syn.: fiery, burning, fervent, glowing, pungent, violent, see ardent.

Syn.: pursue, hunt, prosecute.
antonym(s): liberate, discard, abandon, spare, house, see abode, hubbub, see babble.

Syn.: mix, confuse, derange, heap.
antonym(s): assort, arrange, adjust, classify.

Syn.: enormous, monstrous, colossal, vast, bulky, large, great, prodigious, immense, stupendous, gigantic.
antonym(s): petty, undersized, pigmy, puny.

Syn.: ethnical, cosmical, anthropological, rational, civilized.
antonym(s): inhuman, beastly, irrational.

Syn.: benign, kind, tender, merciful, benevolent, compassionate.
antonym(s): unkind, cruel, unmerciful, inhuman.

Syn.: man, mankind, kindness, tenderness, compassion, sensibility, philanthropy, benevolence.
antonym(s): unkindness, cruelty, inhumanity, bestiality, irrationality, barbarity.

Syn.: civilize, ameliorate, enlighten, christianise, refine.
antonym(s): barbarize, degrade, debase, depress, brutalize.

Syn.: low, lowly, obscure, meek, modest, unassuming, unpretending, submissive.
antonym(s): high, lofty, eminent, proud, boastful, arrogant, assuming, pretentious.

Syn.: moist, wet, vaporous, spongy, damp.
antonym(s): dry, arid, parched, moistureless.

Syn.: disposition, temper, mood, caprice, jocoseness, pleasantry, frame, drollery, fun.
antonym(s): nature, personality, mind, will, purpose, seriousness.

Syn.: facetious, comical, witty, funny.
antonym(s): grave, serious, sober, matter-of-fact, humorsome, see fanciful, [[hunt, #n/a, see hound, hurl, see dare.

Syn.: wound, bruise, harm, injure, damage, pain, grieve.
antonym(s): heal, soothe, console, repair, reinstate, compensate, benefit.

Syn.: harm, injury, damage, wound, detriment, mischief.
antonym(s): benefit, pleasure.

Syn.: mischievous, injurious, pernicious, baleful, deleterious, baneful, noxious, detrimental, prejudicial, see pernicious.

Syn.: mixed, impure, mongrel, mule.
antonym(s): pure, unmixed, thoroughbred.

Syn.: feigner, pretender, dissembler, imposter, cheat, deceitful person.
antonym(s): saint, believer, christian, simpleton, dupe, bigot, fanatic, lover of truth.

Syn.: pharisaical, sanctimonious, smug, smooth, mealy, unctuous, mincing.
antonym(s): plain-spoken, candid, truthful, sincere, genuine, transparent.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD