Glossary of health conditions

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

This glossary provides definitions and information on various health conditions affecting the human body. It serves as a quick reference for understanding these conditions.

A[edit | edit source]

  • Asthma - A chronic respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
  • Alzheimer's Disease - A progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss and cognitive decline.

B[edit | edit source]

  • Bronchitis - Inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
  • Bipolar Disorder - A mental disorder causing periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood.

C[edit | edit source]

  • Cancer - A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  • Celiac Disease - An immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

D[edit | edit source]

  • Diabetes - A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).
  • Dyslexia - A learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words.

E[edit | edit source]

  • Epilepsy - A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
  • Endometriosis - A painful disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus.

F[edit | edit source]

  • Fibromyalgia - A chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas.
  • Fatty Liver Disease - A condition where excess fat builds up in the liver.

G[edit | edit source]

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - A digestive disease in which stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe lining.
  • Glaucoma - A group of eye conditions that can cause blindness by damaging the nerve at the back of the eye (optic nerve).

H[edit | edit source]

  • Hypertension - Also known as high blood pressure, a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure.
  • HIV/AIDS - Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the HIV virus.

I[edit | edit source]

  • Influenza - A viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat, and lungs.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - An intestinal disorder causing pain in the belly, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

J[edit | edit source]

  • Jaundice - Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bilirubin in the blood.

K[edit | edit source]

  • Kidney Stones - Hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys.

L[edit | edit source]

  • Leukemia - A type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells.
  • Lupus - A systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs.

M[edit | edit source]

  • Migraine - A headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Multiple Sclerosis - A disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.

N[edit | edit source]

  • Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidneys that can lead to kidney failure.
  • Neuropathy - Damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness.

O[edit | edit source]

  • Osteoporosis - A medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue.

P[edit | edit source]

  • Parkinson's Disease - A progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement.
  • Psoriasis - A skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp.

Q[edit | edit source]

R[edit | edit source]

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - A chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints, including those in the hands and feet.

S[edit | edit source]

  • Stroke - Damage to the brain from interruption of its blood supply.
  • Scoliosis - A sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.

T[edit | edit source]

  • Tuberculosis - A potentially serious infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the lungs.
  • Tinnitus - Ringing or buzzing noise in one or both ears that may be constant or come and go, often associated with hearing loss.

U[edit | edit source]

  • Ulcerative Colitis - A chronic, inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Urticaria - Also known as hives, a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling.

V[edit | edit source]

  • Varicella - Also known as chickenpox, a highly contagious disease caused by the initial infection with varicella zoster virus.

W[edit | edit source]

  • Whooping Cough - Also known as pertussis, a highly contagious respiratory tract infection.

X[edit | edit source]

  • Xerophthalmia - A medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears.

Y[edit | edit source]

  • Yellow Fever - A viral infection spread by a particular species of mosquito.

Z[edit | edit source]

  • Zika Virus - A disease caused by Zika virus that's spread through mosquito bites.

Terms that need improvement[edit | edit source]

  • ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) deficiency - Too little ACTH produced by the pituitary.
  • ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) - Hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It stimulates.
  • AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) - Major failure of body's immune system.
  • Abell-Kendall modification - Modification of a lab test developed by Drs. Abell and Kendall.
  • Abruptio placenta - Separation of the placenta from the uterus during the last trimester of pregnancy.
  • Abscess - Swollen, inflamed, tender area of infection filled with pus.
  • Achalasia - Condition of the esophagus that disrupts normal swallowing.
  • Acid-base imbalance - Imbalance that occurs when body retains too much acid or too much base.
  • Acidosis, metabolic - Too much acid in the body due to loss of base.
  • Acidosis, respiratory - Too much acid in the body due to accumulation of excess carbon dioxide.
  • Acidosis - Pathologic condition resulting from accumulation of too much acid in the body.
  • Acromegaly - Condition that afflicts middle-aged people. Characterized by a gradual, marked.
  • Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) - Disease of porphyrin metabolism. Symptoms include recurrent.
  • Acute pulmonary edema - Set of dramatic, life-threatening symptoms, including extreme shortness of.
  • Acute - Beginning suddenly. Severe but of short duration.
  • Addison's disease (Adrenal insufficiency) - Condition caused by inactive or underactive adrenal.
  • Adenocarcinoma - Any of a large group of cancerous tumors of a gland or gland tissue.
  • Adenoma - Benign tumor of glandular cells. May cause excess hormone secretion by the affected.
  • Adhesions - Small strands of fibrous tissue that cause organs in the abdomen and pelvis to cling.
  • Adrenal cortex - Outer layer of the adrenal gland. Secretes various hormones including cortisone.
  • Adrenal hyperplasia - Abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in the adrenal gland(s).
  • Adrenal insufficiency - See Addison's disease.
  • Adrenal medulla tumors (Pheochromocytoma) - Tumors of the medulla, an inner layer of the adrenal.
  • Adrenal medulla - Middle part of the adrenal gland. Secretes epinephrine (adrenalin) and.
  • Adrenal - Pertaining to one or both glands located adjacent to the kidneys. These glands secrete many.
  • Adrenocortical hyperplasia - Increase in the number of cells of the adrenal cortex. Adrenal cortex.
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency - Not enough ACTH is produced by the pituitary gland.
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy - Disturbance in brain substance caused by abnormal function of the adrenal.
  • Agglutination - Clumping together.
  • Ahaptoglobulinemia - Without haptoglobin in the blood. Condition is often seen with hemolytic.
  • Alcohol cardiomyopathy - Disease of the myocardium (muscle layer) of the heart, due to chronic.
  • Alcoholic polymyopathy - Disease affecting several muscles simultaneously. Caused by alcoholism.
  • Aldosteronism, primary - Overproduction of aldosterone, which is secreted by adrenal glands.
  • Alkalosis, metabolic - Abnormal condition in which body fluids are more alkaline than normal. Can.
  • Alkalosis, respiratory - abdominal pain, diarrhea, appetite loss and brown skin. Abnormal condition.
  • Alveolar edema - Swelling of the smallest branches of the bronchial tubes (alveoli).
  • Ambiguous genitalia - External genitals that are not normal for the sex.
  • Amblyopias - Reduced vision in an eye that appears to be normal when examined with an.
  • Amenorrhea - There are two categories of amenorrhea. In primary amenorrhea, menstruation has not.
  • Amine - Organic chemical compound containing nitrogen.
  • Amino acids - Organic chemical compounds. They are the chief components of all proteins. The body.
  • Ampulla of Vater - Enlarged area where the pancreatic duct and common bile duct come together.
  • Amyloid infiltration - See Amyloidosis.
  • Amyloid - Starchy substance.
  • Amyloidosis - Disease in which a waxy, starchlike, translucent material accumulates in tissues and.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig's disease) - Progressive breakdown of spinal.
  • Anaphylaxis (Allergic shock) - Severe,life-threatening allergic response to medications or other.
  • Andrenogenital syndrome - Endocrine disorder resulting from adrenocortical hyperplasia. See.
  • Androgenic arrhenoblastoma - Ovarian tumor in which cells resemble.
  • Anemia, aplastic - Serious disease characterized by decreased bone marrow production of all blood.
  • Anemia, autoimmune hemolytic - Anemia due to the breakdown of an individual's blood cells by his.
  • Anemia, chronic hemolytic - Anemia caused by an inherited disorder, such as hereditary.
  • Anemia, diserythropoietic - Any anemia caused by a disorder that diminishes the body's normal.
  • Anemia, hemolytic - Anemia due to the premature destruction of mature red blood cells. Bone.
  • Anemia, hypochromic - Any of a large group of anemias characterized by a decreased concentration.
  • Anemia, hypoplastic - Anemia characterized by decreased bone marrow production of red blood.
  • Anemia, idiopathic acquired hemolytic - Anemia characterized by a shortened lifespan of red blood.
  • Anemia, iron deficiency - Decreased number of circulating red blood cells or insufficient hemoglobin.
  • Anemia, macrocytic - Blood disorder characterized by abnormal presence of large, fragile red blood.
  • Anemia, megalobastic (Folic acid deficiency) - Anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. Often.
  • Anemia, microcytic - Any anemia characterized by abnormally small red blood cells, usually.
  • Anemia, non-spherocytic hemolytic - Inherited disorder of red blood cells in which shortened red.
  • Anemia, pernicious - Anemia caused by inadequate absorption of vitamin B12.
  • Anemia, pyridoxine-responsive - Decreased red blood cells in circulation, which increase to normal.
  • Anemia, sickle cell trait - See Sickle cell trait.
  • Anemia, sickle cell - Severe, incurable anemia that occurs in people who have an abnormal form of.
  • Anemia, sideroblastic -A special type of anemia in which the bone marrow deposits iron prematurely into red blood cells. These cells do not transport oxygen to the body as efficiently as normal cells.
  • Anemia - Condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin (oxygen carrying substance.
  • Anencephaly - Absence of the brain.
  • Aneuploidy - Any variation in chromosome number that involves individual chromosomes and not.
  • Aneurysm - Abnormal enlargement or ballooning of an artery. Caused by a weak artery wall.
  • Angina (Angina pectoris) - Chest pain or pressure usually beneath the sternum (breastbone). Caused.
  • Angina pectoris - See Angina.
  • Angiodysplasia - Small blood vessel abnormalities.
  • Angioedema (Angioneurotic edema; hives) - Allergic disorder characterized by skin changes with.
  • Angiomas - Benign tumor made up of blood vessels or lymph vessels. Most are congenital.
  • Anion gap - Measure combining laboratory analysis of sodium, chloride and bicarbonate. A quick.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis - Chronic, progressive disease of the joints, accompanied by inflammation and.
  • Anorectal abscess - Abscess occurring in the rectum (last segment of the large intestine) and anus.
  • Anorexia nervosa - Extremely complicated personality disorder, chiefly in young women.
  • Anorexia - Loss of appetite.
  • Anti-lipemic (Anti-lipidemic) - Of or pertaining to a regimen, diet, agent or drug that reduces the.
  • Antigens - Germs or other sources of disease that antibodies (produced by the immune system).
  • Antinuclear antibody (ANA) - Substance that appears in the blood indicating presence of an.
  • Aortic-valve stenosis - Heart abnormality characterized by narrowing or stricture of the aortic valve.
  • Aortoiliac occlusive disease - Complete or partial blocking of the lower part of the aorta as it enters.
  • Aplastic anemia - See Anemia, aplastic.
  • Apnea - Absence of spontaneous breathing.
  • Appendicitis - Inflammation of the vermiform appendix (small tube that extends from the first part of.
  • Arachnoiditis - Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane, a thin, delicate membrane enclosing the brain.
  • Arginosuccinic aciduria - Presence of arginosuccinic acid in the urine. This is an inborn error of.
  • Arrhythmias - Occasional or constant abnormalities in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • Arterial-occlusive disease - Total or partial blockage of any large artery.
  • Arteriosclerosis - Common disorder of the arteries characterized by thickening, loss of elasticity and.
  • Arteriovenous malfunction - Problem at the junction of an artery and vein at the capillary level.
  • Arthritis - Inflammatory condition of the joints, characterized by pain and swelling. Also see.
  • Ascites - Accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity. It contains large amounts of protein and.
  • Asphyxia - Loss of consciousness due to too little oxygen and too much carbon dioxide in the blood. If.
  • Asthma - Chronic disorder with recurrent attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath.
  • Astigmatism - Visual impairment caused by abnormal eye shape.
  • Astrocytomas - Brain tumor composed of neuroglial cells (one of the two main kinds of cells that make.
  • Ataxia-telangiectasia - Severe, hereditary, progressive disease beginning in early childhood. It results.
  • Atopic dermatitis - Chronic inflammatory disease of the skin; often associated with other allergic.
  • Atria - Chamber allowing entrance into another structure. Usually refers to ATRIA of the heart, which.
  • Atrial fibrillation - Completely irregular heartbeat rhythm. In this case, it occurs in the top chambers of.
  • Atrophy - Wasting away; diminishing in size such as a cell, tissue, organ or part. May result from.
  • Autoimmune disease - Disease in which the immune system produces antibodies that attack the.
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - See Anemia, autoimmune hemolytic.
  • Autoimmune thyroid disease - See Grave's disease.
  • Autoimmune - Response directed against the body's own tissue.
  • B-Thalassemia - Hemolytic anemia caused by decreased production of beta chains of hemoglobin in.
  • BILE SAND - Thickened, gritty bile excreted by the liver into the gallbladder and bile ducts. Bile sand.
  • Bacteremia - Presence of bacterial germs in the bloodstream.
  • Bacterial endocarditis - Noncontagious infection of the valves or lining of the heart.
  • Bacterial myocarditis - Infection of the heart muscle caused by bacterial germs.
  • Baker's cyst - Benign tumor on the back of the knee joint. Tumor consists of accumulated fluid that.
  • Bartter's syndrome - Inherited disease characterized by short stature, mental retardation.
  • Benign - 1) Tumor or growth that is neither cancerous nor located where it might impair normal.
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome - Hereditary coagulation disorder marked by a mild decrease in the.
  • Beta-blockers - Medications that reduce heart or blood vessel overactivity to improve blood.
  • Biliary obstruction - Blockage of the common or cystic bile duct, usually by one or more gallstones.
  • Bilirubin, unconjugated - Bilirubin that is insoluble in water. Bilirubin normally travels in the.
  • Bilirubin - Yellowish red blood cell waste product in bile the blood carries to the liver. It contributes to.
  • Biopsy - Removal of a small amount of tissue or fluid for laboratory examination; aids in diagnosis.
  • Bitemporal hemianopsic - Defective vision in which blindness occurs in the outer half of the visual field.
  • Blastic phase - Immature stage of cell development.
  • Blastomycosis - Infectious fungal disease that starts in the lungs. Occasionally it spreads through the.
  • Blood dyscrasias - Condition caused by or relating to disease in which any component of the blood is.
  • Blood-factor deficiency - Deficiency of one of the blood factors. See Factor I through Factor XIII.
  • Blood - Liquid pumped by the heart through arteries, veins and capillaries. It consists of a clear, yellow.
  • Bone disorders - Any abnormality or disease of the bone or skeletal system.
  • Bone marrow disease - Any disease affecting bone marrow. See Bone marrow.
  • Bone marrow - Specialized soft tissue that fills the core of bones. Most of the body's red and white.
  • Botulism - Serious form of food poisoning caused by eating contaminated food containing a toxin that.
  • Brain infarctions - Localized area of brain tissue death resulting from lack of oxygen to that area.
  • Bronchial tubes (Bronchi) - Hollow air passageways that branch from the windpipe (trachea) into the.
  • Bronchiectasis - Lung disease in which bronchial tubes become blocked and accumulate thick.
  • Bronchitis - Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by.
  • Bronchodilator - Any member of a group of drugs that dilates bronchial tubes and makes air passage.
  • Bronchogenic carcinoma - Malignant tissue growth in the lung, which may be caused by cigarette.
  • Brucellosis (Undulant fever) - Illness caused by the brucella bacteria, which is transmitted to humans.
  • Cachexia - General poor health and malnutrition, including weakness and muscle wasting. Usually.
  • Calcification - Process by which calcium from the blood is deposited abnormally into tissues from.
  • Calcium disorders - Imbalance in the amount of calcium in the blood. Too much or too little can cause.
  • Calcium - Component of blood that helps regulate the heartbeat, transmit nerve impulses, contract.
  • Calculi - Stones formed of mineral salts. Usually found within hollow organs or ducts. They can cause.
  • Cancer - See Carcinoma.
  • Cannula - Tube for insertion into a vessel or body cavity.
  • Capillary precipitation - Settling of solid substances formerly in solution in the bloodstream.
  • Capillary - Smallest blood vessels in the body.
  • Carcinoma - Malignant tumor that tends to invade surrounding tissue; it may travel to distant regions of.
  • Cardiac distress - Any condition causing difficulty in heart's normal functioning.
  • Cardiac glycosides - Family of drugs used to treat heart disease. Digitalis is the outstanding cardiac.
  • Cardiac tamponade - Compression of the heart due to collection of blood in the sac enclosing the.
  • Cardiomyopathy (Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) - Disorder of the heart muscle usually associated.
  • Cardiorespiratory disease (Cardiopulmonary disease) - Any disease affecting the heart and lungs.
  • Cardioversion - Restoration of normal rhythm of the heart by electrical shock.
  • Casts - Gelled protein particles on the walls of kidney tubules that break off and are washed out by.
  • Cataracts - Clouding of the eye lens. A common cause of vision loss. Most commonly occurs in.
  • Catheter - Hollow tube used to introduce fluids into the body or to drain fluids from the body.
  • Cation-anion - Positively charged ion attracted to the positive electrode in electrolysis.
  • Celiac disease (Nontropical sprue) - Congenital disorder caused by an intolerance for gluten, a.
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) - Obstetric condition in which an infant's head is too large or the.
  • Cervical spondylosis - Degenerative changes of bones in the neck that place pressure on nerves and.
  • Cervix - Lower third of the uterus, which protrudes into the vagina.
  • Charcot's disease (Neuropathic joint disease) - Chronic, progressive degeneration of a joint, which.
  • Chemical inhibition - Process of retarding, arresting or restraining a chemical reaction.
  • Chemical profile (SMAC) - Cost is about $24.00. This profile of tests is performed on an electronic.
  • Chemotherapy - Treatment of cancer with medication that kills cancer cells without harming healthy.
  • Cholangitis - Infection or inflammation of the bile ducts (biliary tract) that drain bile from the.
  • Cholecystitis - Gallbladder inflammation usually caused by a gallstone that cannot pass through the.
  • Choledocholithiasis (Biliary calculus; biliary stone) - Stone formed in the biliary tract. See Kidney.
  • Cholelithiasis (Gallstone) - Stones in the gallbladder that may or may not cause symptoms. If.
  • Cholestasis intrahepatic - Interruption in the flow of bile to the biliary tract. May be caused by.
  • Chondromalacia patellae - Occurs after knee injury. Characterized by swelling, pain and degenerative.
  • Chondromalacia - Abnormal softening of cartilage.
  • Choriocarcinoma - Malignancy arising in the uterus associated with pregnancy, abortion or.
  • Christmas disease - See Hemophilia.
  • Chromatin mass - Portion of the cell nucleus that carries the genes of inheritance.
  • Chromophobe adenoma - Tumor of the anterior portion of the pituitary gland; cells do not stain with.
  • Chromosome - Structures inside the nucleus of living cells that contain hereditary information. Defects.
  • Chronic bronchitis - Inflammation caused by repeated irritation or infection of the bronchial tubes.
  • Chronic - Long-term; continuing. Chronic illnesses are usually not curable, but they can often be.
  • Chyle - Lymph and droplets of triglyceride fat in a stable emulsion. See Lymph. Lymph forms a milky.
  • Circle of Willis - Network of blood vessels at the base of the brain, formed by the interconnection of.
  • Cirrhosis - Chronic scarring of the liver, leading to loss of normal liver function.
  • Citrullinuria - Presence of large amounts of citrulline in the urine, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Coagulation defects (Coagulopathy) - Disruption of blood clotting mechanisms, resulting in.
  • Coagulation factors - Chemical compounds necessary for blood to clot. See Factor I through Factor.
  • Coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) - Infection caused by breathing spores of a fungus found in soil. It.
  • Cold agglutinins - Antibodies that cause red blood cells to clump together at low temperatures.
  • Colitis - Inflammatory condition of the large intestine. It can occur in episodes, such as irritable bowel.
  • Collagen disease - See Connective tissue disease.
  • Collagen-vascular disease - See Connective tissue disease.
  • Collagen-vascular-autoimmune disease - See Autoimmune disease. Examples of this disease are.
  • Complement - Series of enzymes in normal blood that interacts with antigens and antibodies.
  • Condyloma - Wart-like growth on the mucous membrane or skin of the external genitals or around the.
  • Congenital anomalies - Abnormality of the body present at birth; a birth defect. May be inherited or.
  • Congenital hypothyroidism (Cretinism) - Deficiency or lack of thyroid hormone secretion during.
  • Congenital - Present at, and existing from, the time of birth.
  • Congestive heart failure - Complication of many serious diseases in which the heart loses its full.
  • Conjunctivitis - Inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and the covering of the white part of the eye.
  • Conn's syndrome - Disorder of the adrenal cortex. See Adrenal cortex. Usually a noncancerous tumor.
  • Connective-tissue disease (Collagen disease) - Any one of many abnormal conditions.
  • Coproporphyria - See Porphyria.
  • Corneoscleral flaccidity - Abnormal softness of the cornea and sclera of the eye.
  • Corneoscleral rigidity - Abnormal inflexibility of the cornea and sclera of the eye.
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery - Using a section of the patient's leg vein to bypass a partial or.
  • Coronary artery disease - Hardening and narrowing of the coronary arteries that provide blood to the.
  • Coronary insufficiency - Condition of the main arteries in the heart in which they supply an insufficient.
  • Coronary occlusion - Hardening and narrowing of one or more of the coronary arteries that provide.
  • Coronary-risk profile - Cost is about $40.00. Blood tests performed include Total Cholesterol, page.
  • Craniopharyngiomas - Congenital pituitary tumor appearing most often in children and adolescents.
  • Creatinine - Substance formed from the metabolism of creatine, which is found in blood, urine and.
  • Crepitus - Crunching sound similar to the sound made when tissue paper is crushed.
  • Cretinism - Deficiency of thyroid hormone secretion during fetal development or early infancy. In.
  • Crohn's disease (Regional enteritis) - Inflammation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract that.
  • Cryoglobulins - Abnormal blood proteins that separate from blood at low laboratory temperatures and.
  • Crystal-induced arthritis - Inflammation of a joint characterized by crystallization of fluids in a joint.
  • Cushing's disease (Cushing's syndrome) - Condition due to tumors of the adrenal cortex or the.
  • Cushing's syndrome - See Cushing's disease.
  • Cyanosis - Bluish discoloration of skin, lips and nails. Caused by lack of oxygen.
  • Cyst - Sac or cavity filled with fluid or disease matter.
  • Cystic fibrosis - Inherited disease in which mucus-producing glands throughout the body, especially in.
  • Cystic tumors - Tumors with cavities or sacs containing a semisolid or liquid material.
  • Cystinuria - Abnormal presence of cystine (an amino acid) in the urine. Also inherited defect in the.
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection - Viral infection caused by cytomegalovirus. Characterized by.
  • Cytotoxic agents - Medications used to destroy cancerous cells with minimal harm to healthy cells.
  • Cytotoxic - Having a negative effect upon cells.
  • DIC - See Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
  • DUMPING SYNDROME - Group of symptoms that is a complication of surgical removal of all or.
  • Delirium tremens (DTs) - Acute, sometimes fatal, psychotic reaction caused by excessive intake of.
  • Demyelinating disease - Outer wrapping (myelin sheath) of the nerves or nerve fibers is destroyed.
  • Dermatitis - Inflammatory condition of the skin, characterized by redness and pain or itching. The type.
  • Dermatofibromas - Fibrous, tumorlike nodule of the skin most commonly found on the arms or legs.
  • Dermatomyositis - Inflammation of connective tissue, with degenerative changes in muscles and skin.
  • Detached retina - Separation or tear of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina) from the.
  • DiGeorge's syndrome - Congenital disorder characterized by severe immunodeficiency, birth defects.
  • Diabetes insipidus - Disorder of the hormone system caused by a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone.
  • Diabetes mellitus: Insulin dependent - Inability to produce enough insulin to process carbohydrates.
  • Diabetes mellitus: Non-insulin dependent - Disease of metabolism characterized by the body's.
  • Diabetes - Any of various diseases characterized by an excessive discharge of urine.
  • Diabetic acidosis - See Diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis - Serious complication of diabetes mellitus in which the body produces acids.
  • Diabetic retinopathy - Disorder of the innermost coat of the back of the eyeball. Seen most frequently.
  • Dialysis - Process of separating crystals and other substances in a solution by the difference in their.
  • Diaphoresis - Profuse perspiration.
  • Diaphragm - Large, thin muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  • Diaphragmatic paralysis - Complete loss of function of the diaphragm. See Diaphragm. The.
  • Diphtheria - Highly contagious infection, primarily affecting the mucous membranes of the nose, throat.
  • Diploidy - Having two full sets of chromosomes.
  • Disease - Process representing a departure from normal health.
  • Diserythropoietic anemia - See Anemia, diserythropoietic.
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation - Serious disruption of blood clotting mechanisms, resulting.
  • Diverticula - Small, pouch-like projections in the wall of the colon.
  • Diverticulitis - Inflammation of diverticula. During periods of inflammation, person experiences crampy.
  • Down's syndrome - Condition associated with a chromosome abnormality, usually trisomy of.
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy - Abnormal congenital condition characterized by progressive.
  • Duodenal lesions - Abnormalities in the duodenum, such as ulcers, tumors or inflammatory reactions.
  • Duodenal ulcer - Peptic ulcer located in the duodenum, which is the first segment (about 10-inches.
  • Duodenitis - Inflammation of mucous membrane lining of the duodenum.
  • Duodenum - First portion of the small intestine.
  • Dwarfism - Underdevelopment of the body.
  • Dysentery - Inflammation of the intestine, especially the colon; may be caused by chemical irritants.
  • Dysfibrinogenemia - Congenital disorder in which fibrinogen is present in the blood, but does not.
  • Dyspnea - Difficulty breathing.
  • Dysproteinemia - Derangement of the protein content of the blood.
  • Eclampsia (Toxemia of pregnancy) - Extremely serious disturbance in blood pressure, kidney.
  • Ectopic ACTH production - Adrenocorticotropic hormone production (ACTH) at some site other.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus. The most common site is one of the.
  • Edema - Accumulation of fluid under the skin (swelling), in the lungs or elsewhere.
  • Electrolyte package - Cost is about $20.00. Blood tests performed include Sodium, page 184.
  • Elliptocystosis - Hereditary disorder in which red blood cells (erythrocytes) are oval in shape, instead.
  • Embolism - Sudden blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus. See Embolus.
  • Embolus - Clot, foreign object, air, gas or a bit of tissue or fat that circulates in the bloodstream until it.
  • Encephalitis - Acute inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a contagious viral infection. May also.
  • Endobronchial - Within the bronchial tubes.
  • Endocrine disorders - Any disorder involving the endocrine system. The endocrine system is made up.
  • Endometriosis - Disorder in women in which tissue resembling inner lining of the uterus (endometrium).
  • Enteritis - Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the small intestine.
  • Enterocolitis - Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the small and large intestine.
  • Ependymomas - Tumor in the brain or spinal cord that is usually benign and slow growing.
  • Epilepsy, focal - Small part of the body begins twitching uncontrollably. The twitching (seizure).
  • Epilepsy, grand mal - Affects all ages. Person loses consciousness, stiffens, then twitches and jerks.
  • Epilepsy, petit mal - Affects children mostly. Child stops activity and stares blankly around for a.
  • Epilepsy, temporal lobe - Person suddenly behaves out of character or inappropriately, such as.
  • Epilepsy - Disorder of brain function. There are several forms of epilepsy, each with its own.
  • Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rh-incompatibility) - Incompatibility between an infant's blood type and.
  • Erythropoiesis - Formation of red blood cells.
  • Erythropoietic porphyrias - Inherited disorder in which there is an abnormal increase in the.
  • Erythropoietic protoporphyrias - Disease characterized by itching, redness and edema after short.
  • Esophageal rings - Muscular fibers that surround the esophagus.
  • Esophageal varices - Enlarged veins on the lining of the esophagus subject to severe bleeding. They.
  • Esophagitis - Inflammation of the mucous-membrane lining of the esophagus. May be caused by.
  • Esophagus - Hollow tube that provides passage from the back of the throat to the stomach.
  • Essential hypertension - See Hypertension.
  • Eunuchoidism - Deficiency of male hormone, which results in abnormal tallness, small testes and.
  • Exchange transfusion - Introduction of whole blood in exchange for 75 to 85% of an infant's.
  • Exudate - Matter that penetrates through vessel walls into adjoining tissue. Production of pus or serum.
  • FSP (Fibrin split products) - Results from the breakdown of fibrinogen by plasmin (an enzyme). See.
  • Factor III - Tissue thromboplastin needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor II - Prothrombin needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor IV - Calcium needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor IX - Plasma thromboplastin component needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor I - Fibrinogen needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor VIII - Anti-hemophilic factor needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor VII - Proconvertin needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor VI - Accelerin needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor V - Proaccelerin needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor XIII - Fibrin-stabilizing factor needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor XII - Hageman factor needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor XI - Plasma thromboplastin antecedent needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor X - Stuart factor (autoprothrombin C) needed for blood to clot.
  • Factor-VII deficiency - Deficiency of normal clotting factor. Can be inherited or acquired. This.
  • Familial hypoproteinemia - Inherited abnormal decrease in the amount of protein in the blood.
  • Familial myoglobinuria - Inherited condition in which myoglobin appears in urine. Causes include.
  • Familial xanthurenic aciduria - Inherited deficiency disorder of xanthine oxidase that causes physical.
  • Fanconi's syndrome - Rare, usually congenital disorder characterized by aplastic anemia, bone.
  • Fetal hypoxia - Absence of sufficient oxygen to sustain life in a fetus.
  • Fibrillation - Quivering of heart muscle fibers.
  • Fibrin split products - See FSP.
  • Fibrin - Protein formed from fibrinogen by the action of blood clotting.
  • Fibrinogen - Protein in the blood needed for blood clotting.
  • Fibrinolysis, secondary - Process by which connective tissue is dissolved by the action of enzymes as.
  • Fibrinolysis, systemic - See Fibrinolytic disorders.
  • Fibrinolysis - Breakdown of fibrin by enzyme action.
  • Fibrinolytic disorders - Disease process characterized by dissolution of connective tissue by the action.
  • Fibrocystic disease (Breast lumps) - Disorder of the female breast characterized by nonmalignant.
  • Fibroids - Abnormal growth of cells in the muscular wall of the uterus (myometrium). Uterine fibroids.
  • Fibromas - Benign neoplasm of fibrous or fully developed connective tissue.
  • Fibrosis - Generation of fibrous tissue, such as in a scar.
  • Fibrous ankylosis - Immobility and consolidation of a joint from disease caused by fibrous tissue.
  • Fibrous tissue - Tissue that is made up of fibers.
  • Filariasis - Disease caused by the presence of parasitic worms or larvae in body tissue. Worms are.
  • Fissures - 1) Cleft or groove on the surface of an organ, often marking division of the organ into parts.
  • Fistulas - Abnormal passage between two organs or between an internal organ and the body surface.
  • Fluoresce - Emits light while exposed to light.
  • Focal epilepsy - See Epilepsy, focal.
  • Focal seizures - Convulsions brought about by a disease process or injury to an identifiable part of the.
  • Fulminating infection - Infection that occurs suddenly, with great intensity.
  • G-6-PD (Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) - Enzyme normally found in most body cells.
  • Galactorrhea - Breast milk flow not associated with childbirth or breast feeding. It may be a symptom.
  • Galactosemia - Inherited disease of infants in which milk cannot be digested. Milk should be eliminated.
  • Gallbladder disease - Any disease involving the gallbladder or biliary tract. The gallbladder is a.
  • Gallstones - Calculus or stone formed in the gallbladder. See Cholelithiasis.
  • Ganglioneuroblastoma - Tumor of nerve cells.
  • Ganglioneuroma - Benign tumor composed of nerve fibers.
  • Gangrene - Dead tissue. Develops when a wound becomes infected or tissue is destroyed by an.
  • Gastrin - Hormone that stimulates the production of gastric acid or stomach acid.
  • Gastrinoma - Benign or malignant gastrin-secreting islet-cell tumor of the pancreas. There is an.
  • Gastritis - Irritation, inflammation or infection of the stomach lining. Cause is sometimes unknown but.
  • Gastroenteritis - Inflammation of the stomach and intestines accompanying many digestive-tract.
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms - Any symptoms relating to the stomach or intestine. Some common.
  • Gastrointestinal disease - Any disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the mouth.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - Any condition or disease relating to any part of the digestive system.
  • Gaucher's disease - Rare familial disorder of fat metabolism characterized by an enlarged spleen.
  • Genital herpes - Viral infection of the genitals transmitted by intercourse or oral sex. Genital herpes.
  • Germ cell tumors - One of three types of cancer of the ovary. Arises in the ovum (egg). Prognosis is.
  • Gigantism - Condition in which the body or a body part grows excessively, sometimes due to an.
  • Gilbert's disease (Gilbert's syndrome) - Benign hereditary condition characterized by jaundice and.
  • Glanzmann's thrombosthemia - Rare, inherited hemorrhagic disease. See Hemorrhagic disease.
  • Glaucoma - Abnormally increased pressure within the eyeball that may produce severe, permanent.
  • Globulins - Class of proteins that are insoluble in water but soluble in saline solutions.
  • Glomerular - Of or pertaining to a glomerulus.
  • Glomerulonephritis (Post-infectious, acute or chronic) - Inflammation of glomerulus. See.
  • Glomerulus - Tiny structure composed of blood vessels. One of several structures that make up a.
  • Glucagonoma - Glucagon-secreting tumor of the islet cells of the pancreas. Glucagon increases blood.
  • Glucocortocoid deficiency - Decreased amount of hormone from the adrenal gland that increases.
  • Glycogen-storage disease (Glycogenosis) - Any of a group of inherited disorders of glycogen.
  • Glycogen - Substance formed from glucose, stored chiefly in the liver. When the blood-sugar level is.
  • Goiter - Enlargement of the thyroid gland, which causes a swelling in the front part of the neck.
  • Gonadal impairment - Decreased function of the gonads. See Gonads. Testes in men; ovaries in.
  • Gonadal - Pertaining to gonads.
  • Gonadotropin - Any hormone having a stimulating effect on the gonads.
  • Gonads - Parts of the reproductive system that produce and release eggs (ovaries in the female) or.
  • Gonorrhea - Infectious disease of the reproductive organs and other body structures that is sexually.
  • Gout - Recurrent attacks of joint inflammation caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints. It.
  • Grand mal epilepsy - See Epilepsy, grand mal.
  • Granulocytic leukemia - See Leukemia, granulocytic.
  • Granulomas - Nodule of firm tissue formed as a reaction to chronic inflammation, such as from foreign.
  • Granulomatosis - Formation of multiple granulomas. Each has nodules of granulated tissue forming a.
  • Granulomatosus colitis - See Crohn's disease.
  • Graves' disease - Disorder of the thyroid gland occurring most often in women. Characterized by.
  • Growth hormone deficiency - Deficiency of hormone that results in dwarfism.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome - See Polyneuritis.
  • HDL - High density liproprotein.
  • Hageman factor (Factor XII) - Deficiency of this factor results in prolonged bleeding. See Factor.
  • Hand-Schueller-Christian disease - Group of three symptoms that may occur in any of several.
  • Hartnup disease - Hereditary disease that causes skin rash, unsteady gait and excess amino acids in.
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis - One of several kinds of thyroid gland inflammation.
  • Heart attack - See Myocardial infarction.
  • Heinz bodies - Granular deposits in red blood cells from precipitation of proteins. They are present in.
  • Hemangioma - Benign tumor made up of a mass of blood vessels.
  • Hematoma - Collection of blood that has escaped from a blood vessel and is localized in an organ or.
  • Hematuria - Abnormal presence of blood in the urine. May be gross (can actually see the blood) or.
  • Hemochromatosis - Disease in which excessive iron accumulates in the liver, pancreas and skin.
  • Hemoconcentration - Decrease of the fluid content of the blood, with resulting increase in.
  • Hemodilution - Increase in fluid content of blood, with resulting decrease in concentration of blood.
  • Hemoglobin-C disease - Inherited blood disorder characterized by a moderate, chronic hemolytic.
  • Hemoglobin-C trait - Relatively common abnormal hemoglobin in which lysine replaces glutamic acid.
  • Hemolysis - Process by which red blood cells breakdown and hemoglobin is released. Occurs.
  • Hemolytic anemia - See Anemia, hemolytic.
  • Hemolytic disease - Disorder characterized by the premature destruction of red blood cells. May or.
  • Hemolytic episode - Separation of hemoglobin from red blood cells.
  • Hemolytic jaundice - Jaundice caused by severe hemolytic anemia, which results in high levels of.
  • Hemolytic - Condition in which red blood cells break down and release the hemoglobin they contain.
  • Hemophilia - Inherited deficiency of a blood clotting factor that may result in bleeding episodes.
  • Hemophilus influenzae (haemophilus influenza, Type-B) - Bacteria that causes numerous diseases.
  • Hemoptysis - Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract. Blood-streaked sputum can occur with.
  • Hemorrhagic disease - Medical problem accompanied by uncontrolled bleeding. Hemorrhagic.
  • Hemorrhagic gastritis - Inflammation of stomach accompanied by bleeding from stomach lining.
  • Hemorrhoids - Dilated (varicose) veins of the rectum or anus. Usually caused by straining during bowel.
  • Heparin therapy - Course of treatment with medication that prolongs blood clotting time. Used to.
  • Heparinized - To render blood non-clottable with heparin. For example, tubes used to collect blood.
  • Hepatic coma - Stupor or coma caused by waste products in the blood that are toxic to the brain.
  • Hepatic disease - Any disease involving the liver, including many types of hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  • Hepatic dysfunction - Poor liver function.
  • Hepatic - Of or affecting the liver.
  • Hepatitis profile - Cost is about $18.00. Blood tests performed include hepatitis-B surface antigen.
  • Hepatitis-B - Form of viral hepatitis caused by the hepatitis-B virus. Characterized by rapid onset of.
  • Hepatitis - Inflammatory liver condition characterized by jaundice, enlarged liver, loss of appetite.
  • Hepatocellular injury - Injury of liver cells.
  • Hepatomas (Malignant liver tumor; hepatocellular carcinoma) - Malignant tumor that begins in.
  • Hepatotoxicity - Tendency of a substance, usually a medication or alcohol, to have a destructive effect.
  • Hereditary anti-edema - Inherited condition that prevents accumulation of fluid.
  • Hereditary spherocytosis - Inherited disorder characterized by small, spherical red blood cells.
  • Hereditary - Transmitted genetically from generation to generation.
  • Hernia - Protrusion of an internal organ through a weakness or abnormal opening in the muscle around.
  • Herpes - Herpes type-1 causes common cold sores, which appear around the mouth. Herpes type-2.
  • Hgb-C disease (Hemoglobin-C disease) - See Hemoglobin-C trait.
  • Hiatal hernia - Abnormal weakness or opening in the diaphragm. Allows a portion of the stomach to.
  • High-purine diet - Diet of foods that are high in purines, including anchovies and sardines, organ.
  • Histidinemia - Hereditary defect of metabolism marked by excess histidine (an amino acid) in the.
  • Histology - Science dealing with the microscopic identification of cells and tissue.
  • Histoplasmosis - Fungal infection from breathing dust that contains fungus spores or through direct.
  • Hodgkin's disease - Malignant tumor of the lymph glands characterized by progressive enlargement of.
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma - See Hodgkin's disease.
  • Homocystinuria - Rare, hereditary defect of metabolism, marked by excess homocystine (an amino.
  • Humoral - Relating to any fluid or semifluid of the body.
  • Huntington's chorea - Rare, abnormal, hereditary condition characterized by involuntary, purposeless.
  • Hydatidiform mole - Disease occurring during early pregnancy resulting in death of the fetus and an.
  • Hydrocephalus - Condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of fluid with the cranial vault.
  • Hydronephrosis - Caused by an obstruction in the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the.
  • Hyper - Abnormally increased; excessive.
  • Hyperalimentation - Supplying total nutritional needs of patients who are unable to eat normally by.
  • Hypercalcemia - Presence of excessive calcium in the blood. May result from tumor of the parathyroid.
  • Hyperchloremia - Presence of excessive amounts of chloride in the blood. May result from severe.
  • Hyperfibrinogenemia - Presence of excessive fibrinogen in the blood. See Fibrinogen. May indicate.
  • Hyperfunctioning tumor - Any tumor that leads to higher than normal action of the chemicals (usually.
  • Hyperinsulinism - Excessive secretion of insulin.
  • Hyperkalemia - Abnormally high blood potassium level. May be seen in people who have suffered.
  • Hyperlipoprotenemia - Condition in which excessive lipoproteins (cholesterol and other fatty.
  • Hypermagnesemia - Elevated levels of magnesium in the blood. Most commonly occurs in people.
  • Hypernatremia - Excess of sodium in the blood, usually caused by excessive loss of water and.
  • Hyperoxaluria - Hereditary defect of metabolism, marked by excessive oxalate in the urine. May result.
  • Hyperparathyroidism - Excessive amounts of parathyroid hormone circulating in the blood. Excess.
  • Hyperphosphatemia - Abnormally high level of phosphates in the blood. May result from bone.
  • Hyperploidy - Condition of having one or more chromosomes in excess of the normal number. The.
  • Hyperprolinemia, Type-A - Disorder of amino acid metabolism.
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure) - Increase in the force of blood against the arteries as blood.
  • Hyperthyroidism - Overactivity of the thyroid, an endocrine gland that regulates all body functions.
  • Hypertonic - Solution that contains substances that flow outward through a semipermeable membrane.
  • Hypertrophic anal papilla - Excessive growth of the papilla of the rectum. See Papilla.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - See Cardiomyopathy.
  • Hypertrophy - Increase in the size of a cell or group of cells. Causes an increase in the size of an organ.
  • Hyperventilation - Breathing so rapidly that carbon dioxide levels in the blood are decreased.
  • Hypo - Deficient; beneath; under.
  • Hypoalbuminemia - Abnormally low levels of albumin (protein) in the blood.
  • Hypoalderostonism - Deficiency of aldosterone secreted by the outer layer of the adrenal glands. May.
  • Hypocalcemia - Abnormally low level of calcium in the blood. May result from hypoparathyroidism or.
  • Hypochloremia - Abnormally low levels of chloride in the blood. Low chloride levels can occur from.
  • Hypochromic anemia - See Anemia, hypochromic.
  • Hypofibrinogenemia - Abnormally decreased level of fibrinogen in the blood. See Fibrinogen. May.
  • Hypofunctioning tumor - Tumor that causes the anatomical part it encroaches on to have less than.
  • Hypogammaglobulinemia - Abnormally low levels of gammaglobulins in the blood, which results in an.
  • Hypoglycemia - Abnormally low blood sugar level caused by abnormal function, not disease, of the.
  • Hypoglycemic syndrome - Condition caused by low blood sugar, characterized by cold sweat, low.
  • Hypogonadism - Decreased functional activity of gonads, with hindered growth and slowed sexual.
  • Hypogonadotropism - Abnormal condition caused by decreased production of gonadotropins. See.
  • Hypokalemia - Below normal level of potassium in the blood. May result from aldosteronism.
  • Hypolipoproteinemia - Abnormally low levels of lipoproteins in blood.
  • Hyponatremia - Less than normal concentration of sodium in the blood. Caused by excessive water in.
  • Hypooxaluria - Decreased amount of oxalic acid in the urine.
  • Hypoparathyroidism - Decreased production of hormones by the parathyroid glands, causing low.
  • Hypophosphatasia - Inborn error of metabolism that causes difficulty building and healing bones.
  • Hypophysectomy - Surgical removal of the pituitary gland.
  • Hypopituitarism - Underactivity of the pituitary gland, resulting in inadequate hormone production.
  • Hypoplasia - Incomplete development or underdevelopment of an organ or tissue, usually from a.
  • Hypoplastic anemia - See Anemia, hypoplastic.
  • Hypotension - Abnormally low blood pressure. One symptom of shock.
  • Hypothyroidism, primary - Caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland and may be due to surgical.
  • Hypothyroidism, secondary - Caused outside the thyroid. It may result from decreased activity of the.
  • Hypothyroidism - Underactive thyroid gland, which results in decreased metabolic rate. Early.
  • I.V. - See Intravenously.
  • Ichthyosis - Skin condition in which skin is dry, thickened and fissured, resembling fish scales. Usually.
  • Ichythosis follicularis - Skin disorder characterized by dryness, roughness and scaliness.
  • Idiopathic cold-agglutinin diseases - Disease of unknown cause associated with laboratory findings.
  • Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (IHSS) - Chronic heart condition that produces an.
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) - Bleeding into the skin and other organs due to a.
  • Idiopathic-acquired hemolytic anemia - See Anemia, idiopathic-acquired hemolytic.
  • Idiopathic - Without known cause.
  • Ileitis - See Crohn's disease.
  • Immune - Resistance or protection against infection by the body's natural defenses. A person may be.
  • Immunodeficiency diseases - Defects in the body's immune system. A healthy immune system.
  • Immunoglobin-deficiency disease - Illness caused by deficiency of a protein molecule with known.
  • Immunomedicated disease - Illness caused by medicines that decrease the efficiency of the immune.
  • Immunosuppressive therapy - Drugs used to prevent the body from forming a normal immune.
  • Immunotherapy - See Immunosuppressive therapy.
  • Infarction - Tissue death due to the obstruction of blood to that tissue.
  • Infectious mononucleosis - Infectious viral disease that affects the liver, respiratory system and.
  • Inferior vena cava - Large vein that returns unoxygenated blood to the heart from parts of the body.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease - Characterized by fever, pain, abscess formation, severe diarrhea.
  • Influenza - Common, contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus. Incubation after exposure is.
  • Insulin-resistant states - Severe insulin dependent diabetes mellitus that no longer responds to.
  • Insulinoma - Benign (nonmalignant) tumor of insulin secreting cells of the islets of Langerhans in the.
  • Intermittent positive-pressure-breathing therapy - Form of treatment for disorders of the lungs.
  • Interstitial fibrosis - Formation of fibrous tissue between normal tissues.
  • Interstitial - Occupies space between tissues, such as interstitial fluid.
  • Intestinal fistula - Abnormal opening leading from the intestinal tract to another abdominal organ or to.
  • Intraepithelial neoplasia - Small tumor or cancer in the epithelial layer of the skin.
  • Intravenously (I.V.) - Through a vein.
  • Intrinsic factor levels - Substance secreted by the stomach lining that is necessary for vitamin B-12 to.
  • Iodine-deficient goiter - Enlarged thyroid gland due to too little iodine in the diet. Iodine is an essential.
  • Iritis - Inflammation of tissues that support the iris (the ring of colored tissue around the pupil of the.
  • Iron overload - Too much iron in blood, liver or other organs.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia - See Anemia, iron deficiency.
  • Ischemia - Decreased blood supply to a body organ or part.
  • Ischemic bowel disease - Intestinal problems caused by inadequate supply of blood to the cells of the.
  • Ischemic - Condition in which there is decreased blood flow to a body organ or part.
  • Isichromosome - Abnormal chromosome characterized by abnormal splitting of a chromosome during.
  • Isoenzyme - One of many forms of a protein catalyst differing in characteristics (chemical, physical.
  • Isothermal infusion - Injection with a fluid at the same temperature as the recipient.
  • Jaeger card - Card with printed letters of varying sizes. Used to test vision.
  • Jaundice - Condition of yellow skin, yellow whites of the eyes, dark urine and light-colored stools. It is.
  • Karotyping - Determining the chromosome constitution of the nucleus of a cell. Useful in predicting.
  • Keloids (Cheloids) - Overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a wound on the skin. New scar tissue is.
  • Keratosis follicularis - Uncommon hereditary skin disorder characterized by small, horny growths that.
  • Keratosis - Any horny growth, such as a wart.
  • Ketoacidosis - Serious disorder that results from a deficiency or inadequate use of carbohydrates.
  • Ketone bodies - Substances formed when the body rapidly breaks down fats to use for energy.
  • Ketonuria - Presence of ketone bodies in the urine. Usually seen in people with uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Kidney shut down (Kidney failure; renal failure) - Sudden failure of kidneys to function. Usually.
  • Kidney stones - Hard, unyielding material produced by the kidney. May lodge in the kidney or pass.
  • Klippel-Feil syndrome (Congenital short-neck syndrome) - Rare, congenital malformation of the.
  • Kyphosis - Abnormal condition in which the upper spinal column (between the neck and midback).
  • L/S ratio - Ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin. Abnormalities may represent the possibility of an.
  • LDL - Low density lipoprotein.
  • Lactic acidosis - Increased acidity in body due to accumulation of excessive lactic acid production.
  • Laennec's cirrhosis - Cirrhosis of the liver associated with alcohol abuse. See Cirrhosis.
  • Laryngospasm - Spasmotic closure of the larynx or voice box. When spasms occur, air cannot pass.
  • Larynx - Part of the air passage connecting the throat with the trachea or windpipe.
  • Lateral sclerosis - Degeneration of the lateral columns of the spinal cord.
  • Leprosy - Chronic disease characterized by the production of fibrous connective-tissue lesions.
  • Lesion - Injury or damage to an organ or tissue.
  • Leukemia, acute - Malignant overgrowth of white blood cells in bone marrow or tissues that are part.
  • Leukemia, granulocytic - Malignant blood disease of granulocytes, a form of white blood cell.
  • Leukemia, lymphatic - Cancer that primarily involves lymphatic cells. Affects children and adults.
  • Leukemia, lymphocytic - Very slow-growing cancer of blood-forming organs in older people. About.
  • Leukemia, monocytic - Malignancy of blood-forming tissues in which the predominant cells are.
  • Leukemia, myeloblastic - Malignancy of blood cells in which the predominant cells are myeloblasts (a.
  • Leukemia, myelogenous - See Leukemia, myelocytic.
  • Leukemia, myeloid - Malignancy of white blood cells with polymorphonuclear cells predominant.
  • Leukemia, myelomonocytic - Malignancy of blood cells in which the predominant cells are.
  • Leukemia, myleocytic - Disorder characterized by the unregulated, excessive production of.
  • Leukoagglutinins - Antibodies directed against white blood cells.
  • Liothyronine (T3 3) toxicosis - Overactive thyroid function due to T3 poisoning.
  • Liver profile - Cost is about $20.00. Blood tests performed include Bilirubin, Protein, LDL, Alkaline.
  • Lordosis - Forward curvature of the lumbar spine (the small of the back).
  • Lumbar stenosis - Narrowing or stricture in the lower part of the back.
  • Lupus erythematosus, systemic - Inflammatory disease of connective tissue. Symptoms may include.
  • Luteinization - Process by which a follicle in the ovary transforms into a luteum.
  • Luteinized granulosa - Thick, scarred, yellow lesion.
  • Luteum - Yellow-colored cyst.
  • Lymph - Transparent, slightly yellow liquid found in lymph vessels throughout the body. Derived from.
  • Lymphatic leukemia - See Leukemia, lymphatic.
  • Lymphatic system - Vast, complex network of vessels, valves, ducts, nodes and organs that help.
  • Lymphatic - Pertaining to lymph system of the body.
  • Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Lymphoblastoma; lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma) - Malignant tumor.
  • Lymphocyte - One of several types of white blood cell that help fight infection.
  • Lymphocytic leukemia - See Leukemia, lymphocytic.
  • Lymphocytic proliferative disease - Disease with an overproduction of lymphocytes, one form of.
  • Lymphoma - Disorders involving new, abnormal growth or tumor of lymph tissue. Usually malignant.
  • Lymphoreticular malignancy - Cancer of the reticuloendothelial cells of lymph nodes. See.
  • Lymphosarcoma - Malignant tumor of the lymph glands. More common than Hodgkin's disease. See.
  • Lysis - Destruction or breakdown, as of a cell or other substance.
  • Macroamylaemia - Excess of starch in the blood.
  • Macrocytic anemia - See Anemia, macrocytic.
  • Macroglobulinemia - See Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia.
  • Macular disease - Stain, spot or thickening of the cornea.
  • Malabsorption syndromes - Poor absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract into the blood.
  • Malaise - Vague feeling of body discomfort.
  • Malaria - Infection caused by a single cell parasite transmitted by the bite of an anopheles mosquito.
  • Male menopause - Symptoms, such as depression, change in libido, impotence, in men at midlife.
  • Malignant - Capable of causing destruction of normal tissue; may lead to death. Usually refers to.
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome - Condition characterized by massive bleeding following a tear in the.
  • Maple-syrup urine disease - Hereditary defect of metabolism. Usually diagnosed in infancy because.
  • Mast cells - Part of connective tissue.
  • Mastocytosis - Overproduction of mast cells. May rarely infiltrate liver, spleen, bones, the.
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) - See Red cell indices.
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) - See Red cell indices.
  • Meconium ileus - Obstruction of the small intestine in the newborn caused by a plug of meconium. See.
  • Meconium - Thick, sticky, dark-green material that collects in the intestines of a fetus and forms the.
  • Mediastinitis - Inflammation of the mediastinum. See Mediastinum.
  • Mediastinum - Central portion of the chest cavity that contains the heart and its large blood vessels.
  • Medulla - Most internal part of a structure or organ.
  • Medullary - See Medulla.
  • Megaloblastic anemia - See Anemia, megaloblastic.
  • Melanin - Dark pigment of the skin, hair and iris of the eye.
  • Melanocytes - Cells that produce melanin.
  • Melanoma - Any of a group of malignant tumors, primarily of the skin, made up of melanocytes. See.
  • Meninges - Thin membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
  • Meningioma - Hard, usually vascular tumor of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
  • Meningitis - Inflammation or infection of the meninges. See Meninges. It is contagious and may be.
  • Meningocele (Meningoencephalocele) - Hernia protrusion of the brain and its coverings through a.
  • Menke's kinky-hair syndrome - Inherited disorder caused by a defect in intestinal absorption of.
  • Menopause - Permanent cessation of menstruation. Occurs as early as age 35 or as late as age 55;.
  • Menstrual - Pertaining to menstruation. See Menstruating.
  • Menstruating - Normal discharge of blood and tissues through the vagina that come from the uterine.
  • Mesenteric adenitis - Lymph glands in mesentery become inflamed. Symptoms may mimic.
  • Mesentery - Membranous folds that hold and suspend the small intestines.
  • Metabolic alkalosis - Too much base in the body due to loss of acid.
  • Metabolism - Sum of all the chemical and physical processes by which living substance is produced.
  • Metabolites - Any substance produced by metabolism. See Metabolism.
  • Metachromatic leukodystrophy - Inherited condition that causes blindness, mental retardation.
  • Metamorphopsia - Defective vision in which objects appear distorted. Sometimes results from disease.
  • Metastasis - Process by which cancerous cells or infectious germs spread from their original location.
  • Metastatic cancer - Cancerous cells that spread from their original location to other parts of the body.
  • Metastatic disease - Disease that has transferred from an organ or body part not directly connected.
  • Metastatic - Pertaining to metastasis. See Metastasis.
  • Microaneurysms - Microscopic aneurysms, characteristic of certain diseases. Capillary.
  • Microbes - Microorganism (small, living organism) capable of producing disease.
  • Microcytic anemia - See Anemia, microcytic.
  • Miliary tuberculosis - Acute infection associated with the spread of tuberculosis throughout the body.
  • Mitogen - Substance that triggers mitosis. See Mitosis.
  • Mitosis - Type of cell division in which the body produces new cells for growth and repair of injured.
  • Mitral regurgitation - Defective closure of the heart's mitral valve, which allows some of the blood to.
  • Mitral stenosis - Calcification and decreased function of the heart's mitral valves.
  • Mitral valve prolapse - Condition in which the mitral valve becomes FLOPPY, resulting in mitral.
  • Mitral valve - Valves located in the heart between the left atrium and left ventricle.
  • Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) - Disease affecting the entire body characterized by the.
  • Monocytic leukemia - See Leukemia, monocytic.
  • Mononucleosis - See Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Monosomy - Chromosomal abnormality characterized by the absence of one chromosome from the.
  • Motility disorders - Any disorder or disease characterized by inability to remove intestinal waste.
  • Mucocele - Dilation of a cavity with accumulated mucus secretion.
  • Mucopolysaccharides - Chemicals that contain hexosamine combined with proteins.
  • Mucopolysaccharidosis - Any of a group of genetic disorders caused by a defect in metabolism of.
  • Multinodular goiter - Enlarged thyroid gland causing a swelling in the front part of the neck. See.
  • Multiple myeloma (Primary bone marrow cancer) - Malignancy beginning in the plasma cells of the.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) - Chronic disorder affecting many nervous system functions. Patches of white.
  • Mumps - Mild, contagious, viral disease that causes painful swelling of the salivary glands. Other.
  • Muscular dystrophy - Gradual deterioration of the muscles of the body, leading to increasing difficulty.
  • Myasthenia gravis - Disorder of muscles, especially the face and head, with increasing fatigue and.
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia - Lung infection caused by germ mycoplasma.
  • Myeloblastic leukemia - See Leukemia, myeloblastic.
  • Myelocele - Saclike protrusion of the spinal cord through a congenital defect in the spinal column.
  • Myelocytes - Immature white blood cells normally found in bone marrow.
  • Myelocytic leukemia - See Leukemia, myelocytic.
  • Myelogenous leukemia - See Leukemia, myelocytic.
  • Myeloid leukemia - See Leukemia, myeloid.
  • Myelomonocytic leukemia - See Leukemia, myelomonocytic.
  • Myelosuppressive - Inhibiting bone marrow activity, resulting in the decreased production of blood.
  • Myocardial failure - Condition that exists when the heart is no longer able to pump all the blood.
  • Myocardial fibrosis - Formation of fibrous material in the heart.
  • Myocardial infarction (Heart attack) - Death of heart muscle cells from reduced or obstructed.
  • Myocarditis bacterial - Inflammation of heart muscle (myocardium) caused by bacterial infection.
  • Myocarditis - Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) that usually occurs as a complication of.
  • Myocardium - Heart muscle.
  • Myoglobin - Chemical stored in muscle that contains iron and oxygen.
  • Myxedema - Condition of swollen lips, thickened nose, swelling of the skin and mental dullness caused.
  • Necrosis - Localized death of tissue that occurs in groups of cells in response to disease or injury.
  • Neisseria meningitides - Bacteria that is often the cause of meningitis. See Meningitis.
  • Neoplasms - Any abnormal growth of new tissue.
  • Neoplastic diseases - Disease characterized by abnormal growth of new tissue. Cell multiplication is.
  • Nephritis - Any one of a large group of diseases of the kidney characterized by inflammation and.
  • Nephron - Anatomical and functional unit of the kidney consisting of tubules and blood vessels.
  • Nephrosclerosis (Nephroangiosclerosis) - Involves small arteries and kidney's filtering system.
  • Nephrosis (Nephrotic syndrome) - Form of chronic kidney disease beginning in early childhood.
  • Nephrostomy tube - Flexible plastic tube passed into an opening made in the kidney that leads outside.
  • Nephrotic syndrome - See Nephrosis.
  • Neurinoma - Tumor of the nerve covering. Usually benign, but may undergo malignant change.
  • Neuritis - Inflammation of a nerve. Can cause pain, numbness, paralysis or sensitivity of the affected.
  • Neuroblastoma - Highly malignant tumor that usually originates in the adrenal glands of young children.
  • Neurofibroma - Fibrous tumor of nerve tissue.
  • Neurogenic - 1) Forming nervous tissue or stimulating nervous energy. 2) Originating in the nervous.
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Lymphosarcoma) - Malignant tumor of the lymph glands, which is more.
  • Non-specific liver disease - Poor liver function in the absence of a known cause.
  • Non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia - See Anemia, non-spherocytic hemolytic.
  • Nystagmus - Involuntary, rapid movements of the eyeball. Usually caused by an underlying disease.
  • Obstructive jaundice (Cholestasis) - Interruption in the flow of bile through any part of the biliary.
  • Occlusion - Closing or obstruction. Usually describes a blockage in blood vessels.
  • Occult - Hidden from view; difficult to observe directly.
  • Opacified - Impervious to light rays or X-rays.
  • Optic atrophy - Degeneration of the optic nerve.
  • Optic neuritis - Inflammation of the nerve that conducts vision impulses from the eye to the brain.
  • Osteoarthritis (Degenerative joint disease) - Degeneration of cartilage at a joint and growth of.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans - Inflammation of bone and cartilage, which results in pieces of cartilage.
  • Osteochondromas - Benign tumors made of bone and cartilage.
  • Osteochondromatosis - Occurrence of multiple osteochondromas. See Osteochondromas.
  • Osteomalacia - Abnormal condition resulting in softening of bone. Accompanied by weakness.
  • Osteomyelitis - Infection of the bone and bone marrow caused by bacteria, usually staphylococcus.
  • Osteoporosis - Loss of normal bone density, mass and strength, leading to increased porousness and.
  • Ovarian agenesis - Congenital absence of ovaries resulting in sterility.
  • Overhydration - Too much fluid in tissues.
  • Peptic ulcer - Lesion of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach, duodenum or of any part of the.
  • Percutaneous - Performed through the skin. In some procedures, a needle is passed through the skin.
  • Pericardial effusion - Escape of fluid. into the pericardium. See Pericardium.
  • Pericarditis, acute - Inflammation of the sac that covers the heart. Symptoms may include chest pain.
  • Pericardium - Thin, membranous, double-layered covering of the heart.
  • Periodontal disease (Periodonitis) - Inflammation and infection of the gums, causing loss of.
  • Peripheral circulation (Peripheral vascular system) - Network of arteries, veins and lymphatic.
  • Peripheral vessels - See Peripheral circulation.
  • Peripheral-artery disease - Any abnormal condition that affects the arteries outside the heart. Signs.
  • Peritoneum - Covering of the intestinal tract and lining of the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
  • Peritonitis - Serious infection or inflammation of part or all of the peritoneum. May be fatal if not.
  • Pernicious anemia - See Anemia, pernicious.
  • Petechiae - Tiny purple or red spots that appear on the skin as a result of very minute hemorrhages.
  • Petit mal epilepsy - See Epilepsy, petit mal.
  • Pharyngeal - Pertaining to the pharynx or voice box in the throat, which contains the vocal cords.
  • Pharyngitis - Throat inflammation and infection that can be caused by a variety of germs (bacteria.
  • Phenylketonuria (PKU) - Inherited disorder marked by the inability of phenylalanine (an amino acid).
  • Pheochromocytoma - Tumor of the core (medulla) of the adrenal glands. Tumor is usually benign and.
  • Phlebitis - Inflammation of a vein.
  • Phototherapy - Treatment of a disease by exposure to light, especially variously concentrated light.
  • Pituitary diabetes insipidus - Metabolic disorder due to injury of the pituitary gland causing a.
  • Placenta previa - Bleeding late in pregnancy caused by placenta attaching too low in the uterus.
  • Placental sulfatase deficiency - Deficiency of sulfatase in the placenta.
  • Plaques - 1) Small raised area of abnormal material on a surface, such as the skin or blood vessel.
  • Plasma - Fluid part of the blood after blood cells and other particles are removed.
  • Plasmapheresis (Therapeutic plasma exchange; TPE) - Blood is withdrawn from a vein in the arm.
  • Plasmin - Active portion of the chemical system that causes blood clots to dissolve.
  • Plasminogen-activator system - System that stimulates the conversion of chemical substances to.
  • Platelets - Tiny blood cells (much smaller than red or white blood cells) that assist in blood clotting. A.
  • Pleura - Thin tissue lining of the lungs and chest cavity.
  • Pleural - Relating or pertaining to pleura. See Pleura.
  • Pleurisy - Inflammation of the pleura. See Pleura. A painful condition caused by lung disease.
  • Pneumatosis cytoides intestinalis - Disease characterized by the presence of air or gas in abnormal.
  • Pneumonia - Inflammation of the lung(s) resulting in tiny air sacs in the lung becoming plugged with.
  • Pneumonitis - Inflammation of lung tissue that may be caused by a virus or it may be an allergic.
  • Pneumothorax - Collapse of all or part of a lung caused by pressure from free air in the chest between.
  • Polycystic ovaries (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) - Ovary enlargement from many small cysts. Ovary.
  • Polycystic - Containing many cysts.
  • Polycythemia vera - Overproduction of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Cause is.
  • Polycythemia - Increase in red blood cells in the body. The disease has three forms. Polycythemia vera.
  • Polymyositis - Inflammation of many muscles at one time. Usually accompanied by muscle weakness.
  • Polyneuritis - Inflammation of many nerves simultaneously. In acute infectious polyneuritis.
  • Polyposis - Formation of numerous polyps. See Polyps. Familial polyposis is an inherited condition in.
  • Polyps - Growths. Often on a stalk arising from dry mucous membranes, such as in the nose, cervix or.
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda - Type of porphyria usually associated with chronic alcoholism marked by.
  • Porphyria, acute intermittent (AIP) - Rare inherited disorder characterized by excessive formation.
  • Porphyria - Excretion of porphyrins into the urine. See Porphyrins.
  • Porphyrins - Any of a group of pyrrole derivatives found in cytoplasm. These combine with iron and.
  • Portacaval shunt - Connection of the portal vein with the vena cava to release backed-up pressure in.
  • Portal hypertension - Higher than normal blood pressure in the large vein that collects nourishment.
  • Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis - Inflammatory disease of kidney occurring about 3 weeks.
  • Pott's disease (Tuberculous spondylitis) - Rare, grave form of tuberculosis that is located in the.
  • Pre-eclampsia (Toxemia of pregnancy) - Serious disturbance in blood pressure, kidney function and.
  • Precocious puberty - Changes of adolescence that occur sooner than expected in young girls or boys.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis - Disease of the liver caused from chronic bile retention. Cause is unknown.
  • Primary hypothyroidism - Overabundance of aldosterone, a hormone produced and secreted by the.
  • Primary lymphedema - Chronic swelling of a part due to the accumulation of fluid (lymph) caused by.
  • Proctitis - Inflammation of the rectum and tissues around the anus. Can be caused by sexually.
  • Profile - Most hospital and commercial laboratories offer blood tests collected together in.
  • Prolonged activiated partial thromboplastin time - Longer-than-normal time required for clotting to.
  • Prostate - Gland surrounding the neck of the bladder and urethra in men.
  • Prostatic hypertrophy - Enlargement of the prostate. See Prostate. May obstruct the flow of urine.
  • Prostatitis - Inflammation or infection of the prostate. See Prostate. Not contagious. Symptoms may.
  • Protein metabolism - Process by which protein foods are used by the body to make tissue proteins.
  • Proteus infections - Bacteria normally found in feces, water and soil. May cause urinary tract.
  • Pseudo-precocious puberty - Premature sexual development; of unknown cause.
  • Pseudocysts - Abnormal or dilated space resembling a cyst but without a membrane lining. Condition.
  • Pseudogout - Arthritic condition marked by attacks of gout-like symptoms, usually affecting a single.
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism - Hereditary condition that resembles hypoparathyroidism. In.
  • Pseudomembranous enterocolitis (Necrotizing enterocolitis) - Acute inflammatory bowel disorder.
  • Pseudotumors - False or phantom tumor.
  • Psoriasis - Chronic, scaly skin disorder characterized by frequent remissions and recurrences. Affected.
  • Pulmonary disease - Lung disease.
  • Pulmonary edema - Accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Caused by a failing heart.
  • Pulmonary embolism - Blood clot or fat cells (rarely) in one of the arteries carrying blood to the lungs.
  • Pulmonary fibrosis - Fibrous tissue in the lungs causing scarring of tissue from one of many disease.
  • Pulmonary infarctions - Death of a section of lung tissue from obstruction of the blood supply. See.
  • Pulmonary insufficiency - Subnormal function of the lungs.
  • Pulmonary valve - Separates the right bottom chamber of the heart (ventricle) from the pulmonary.
  • Pulmonary-valve stenosis - Narrowing of the pulmonary valve. Impairs heart function. Usually there.
  • Pulmonary - Lungs.
  • Purines - Any of a large group of nitrogen compounds. End products after digestion of certain proteins;.
  • Purpura - Purplish or brownish discoloration easily seen through the skin caused by bleeding into the.
  • Pyelonephritis (Kidney infection) - Noncontagious bacterial infection of the kidneys. Infection may.
  • Pyloric stenosis - Condition in infancy in which encircling muscles enlarge and cause obstruction. It.
  • Pyridoxine-responsive anemia - See Anemia, pyridoxine-responsive.
  • Radiation therapy (Radiotherapy) - Use of high-energy waves, generated by special X-ray.
  • Radiography - Making X-ray films of internal structures of the body by exposure of film specially.
  • Radioisotope scan - Radioisotope is given orally or intravenously and becomes concentrated in.
  • Radioisotope - Radioactive form of chemical normally present in the body. Chemical elements that give.
  • Radiotherapy - See Radiation therapy.
  • Raynaud's disease - Primary disorder of the circulatory system that affects blood circulation to fingers.
  • Raynaud's phenomenon - Circulation system disorder affecting fingers and toes. A complication of an.
  • Rebound stimulation - Response is reversed when stimulus is withdrawn.
  • Red cell indices - Blood test that provides important information about the size, hemoglobin.
  • Red measles (Rubeola) - Serious viral disease of childhood. Uncommon today because.
  • Reflux esophagitis - Irritation of the esophagus from stomach acid splashing upward into the.
  • Reiter's disease - Inflammatory disease caused by symptoms resembling those of arthritis, urethritis.
  • Renal disease - Any of several diseases affecting the kidneys.
  • Renal plasma flow - Rate of blood flow through the kidney.
  • Renal tubular acidosis - Loss of base or accumulation of acid in the body due to disease of the.
  • Renal tubular disease - Disease of the kidney tubules.
  • Renal - Pertaining to the kidney.
  • Renovascular hypertension (Portal hypertension) - Abnormally high blood pressure within the.
  • Restrictive pericarditis - Pressure develops when an increasing amount of fluid restricts the pumping.
  • Reticulocytes - Young, immature red blood cells.
  • Reticulocytosis - Excess amount of reticulocytes in the blood.
  • Reticuloendothelial system - Body system involved primarily in defense against infection and in.
  • Retina - Innermost part of the eyeball.
  • Retinitis pigmentosa - Hereditary disease marked by progressive loss of retinal response, leading to.
  • Retinopathy - Any non-inflammatory disease of the retina. Associated with various conditions. It is.
  • Retroperitoneal thrombosis - Clotting of blood in the retroperitoneal space.
  • Retroperitoneal - Pertaining to organs closely attached to the abdominal wall, behind the peritoneum.
  • Reye's syndrome - Disease in children and adolescents that involves brain and other major organs.
  • Rh-factor - Symbol for rhesus factor. Antigens present on the surface of red blood cells.
  • Rh-isoimmunization - Development of agglutination against Rh-blood group antigens in an Rh-negative.
  • Rheumatic fever - Inflammatory complication of Group-A strepococcal infections that affects many.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - Illness characterized by joint disease that involves muscles, cartilage and.
  • Rickets - Condition caused by insufficient intake or absorption of vitamin D coupled with too little.
  • Rickettsial disease - Any disease caused by rickettsial microorganisms. Transmitted to humans by.
  • Rickettsial germs - Microorganisms smaller than bacteria and larger than viruses. Cause various.
  • Rickettsial-collagen disease - Connective tissue disease caused by rickettsial germs.
  • Ring-chromosome formation - Chromosome in which both ends have been lost; broken ends have.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever - Caused by rickettsial germs transmitted by a tick bite. Symptoms.
  • Rubella (German measles) - Mild, contagious viral illness. Likely to cause serious birth defects to an.
  • Salivary-gland disease - Disease of the salivary glands, which secrete saliva.
  • Salmonella - Thousands of kinds of salmonella bacteria cause many diseases, including typhoid fever.
  • Salt-losing syndrome - Condition characterized by vomiting, dehydration, abnormally low blood.
  • Sandhoff's disease - Variant of Tay-Sachs disease that has a progressive, more rapid course. Found.
  • Sarcoidosis - Chronic, progressive disease of unknown cause. May cause symptoms in the skin, lungs.
  • Sarcoma - Tumor derived from connective tissue.
  • Scan - Shortened form of scintiscan, a diagnostic procedure using a scintillation camera to record.
  • Scarlatina (Scarlet fever) - Childhood disorder characterized by a bright-red rash. Scarlet fever is.
  • Scarlet fever - See Scarlatina.
  • Scleroderma - Widespread connective tissue disease in which skin and other body parts gradually.
  • Sclerosing cholangitis - Scarring and inflammation of a bile duct.
  • Scoliosis - Abnormal lateral curve of a normally straight spine.
  • Scotoma - Area of depressed or decreased vision in the visual field that is surrounded by an area of.
  • Scurvy (Vitamin-C deficiency) - Illness caused by inadequate intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis - Skin condition characterized by greasy or dry, white scales. Dandruff and.
  • Secondary hypothyroidism - Low thyroid function from drugs or other cause.
  • Secondary lymphedema - Swelling of a body part due to the accumulation of fluid caused by.
  • Secondary syphilis - Second stage of syphilis, characterized by skin rash, fever, swollen glands and.
  • Sella turcica - Depression in the floor of the skull that contains the pituitary gland.
  • Sensorineuraly deafness - Loss of hearing due to a lesion in the acoustic nerve (the eighth cranial.
  • Septal defects - Abnormal, usually congenital, defect in the wall separating two chambers of the heart.
  • Septic arthritis - Infection in any joint in the body. See Arthritis.
  • Serous - Pertaining to or resembling serum. See Serum.
  • Serum sickness - Hypersensitivity reaction following administration of an antiserum. Characterized by.
  • Serum - Liquid portion of the blood that remains after blood cells have been removed.
  • Sexual precocity - Attainment of sexual maturity before the 6th birthday in girls and the 8th birthday in.
  • Shigellosis - Dysentery produced by an infection by a shigella germ.
  • Sickle cell anemia - See Anemia, sickle cell.
  • Sickle cell trait - Anemia and other signs of sickle cell anemia do not occur in the person with sickle.
  • Sigmoid torsion - Twisting of the sigmoid portion of the large intestine.
  • Sigmoid - Portion of the large intestine located in the left side of the abdomen. It connects to the.
  • Single-vessel disease - Disease involving only one of the coronary artery vessels. See Coronary.
  • Sinusitis - Inflammation or infection of the sinuses. Usually refers to the eight sinuses adjacent to the.
  • Sjogren's disease - See Sjogren's syndrome.
  • Sjogren's syndrome - Benign, chronic inflammation that results in diminished production of tears and.
  • Snellen chart - One of several charts used to test vision. Letters, numbers or symbols are arranged on.
  • Solid tumors - Growth of tissue of hard, unyielding substance. Differs from a tumor filled with fluid.
  • Specificity - Quality or state of being specific. Usually refers to restriction of effect to a particular.
  • Spherocytes - Abnormally shaped red blood cells. Cells are sphere shape, in contrast to the doughnut.
  • Spherocytosis - Presence of spherocytes in the blood. Caused by some anemias. See Anemia.
  • Sphincter of Oddi - Sphincter muscle of the bile duct.
  • Spina bifida - Inherited defective closure of the body encasement of the spinal cord through which the.
  • Spleen - Large organ on the left side of the upper abdominal cavity next to the stomach. Helps modify.
  • Splenectomy (Spleen removal) - Removal of the spleen due to injury (causing rupture and.
  • Spondylolisthesis - Forward displacement of one vertebra upon another, usually the fifth lumbar over.
  • Sprue - Chronic disorder resulting from malabsorption of nutrients from the small intestine. It occurs in.
  • Staphylococcemia - Infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria in the blood. May result in.
  • Staphylococcus aureus - Bacteria that frequently causes diseases of the skin and other organs.
  • Steatorrhea - Fatty stools.
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome - See Polycystic ovaries.
  • Stenosis - Narrowing or stricture of any hollow structure, such as a blood vessel or bile duct.
  • Stones - Hard, unyielding substances. Stones may be made in the liver, gallbladder, blood vessels or.
  • Storage-pool disease - Metabolic disorder in which some substance accumulates in unusually large.
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae - Pneumonia from streptoccoccal infection.
  • Streptokinase treatment - Treatment with streptokinase to dissolve blood clots in hollow blood.
  • Stress incontinence - Involuntary loss of urine in women that accompanies any action that suddenly.
  • Stricture - Abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body. See Stenosis.
  • Strip-chart recorder - Device that prints changes in electrical activity for measurement, such as EKG.
  • Stroke (Cerebrovascular accident; CVA) - Sudden decrease in the blood supply to part of the.
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) - Chronic bacterial infection of the heart valves often caused.
  • Subacute hereditary tyrosinemia - Metabolic disorder characterized by an excess of tyrosine in the.
  • Subacute thyroiditis - Inflammation of the thyroid gland usually following mumps, influenza or other.
  • Subluxations - Incomplete or partial dislocation.
  • Sympathomimetics - Drugs that mimic the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, such as adrenalin.
  • Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone - See Diabetes insipidus.
  • Syndrome - Set of symptoms that occur together.
  • Synovitis - Inflammation or infection of the synovium. See Synovium.
  • Synovium - Thick fluid secreted by a thin membrane surrounding a joint.
  • Syphilis, late - Final, destructive stage of the disease. Symptoms can occur anywhere from 1 to 35.
  • Syphilis, primary - First stage of sexually transmitted infectious syphilis. Develops approximately 3.
  • Syphilis, secondary - Develops 1 to 8 weeks after the initial chancre appears. It is characterized by a.
  • Syphilis - Contagious, sexually transmitted disease that causes widespread tissue destruction if not.
  • Syringomelia - Condition characterized by abnormal cavities filled with liquid in the spinal cord.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus - See Lupus erythematosus, systemic.
  • TRH (Thyrotropin-releasing factor) - Chemical substance secreted by the hypothalamus. Regulates.
  • TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) - Chemical substance secreted by the pituitary gland; controls.
  • Tachycardia - Heartbeat that is too fast.
  • Tay-Sachs disease - Inherited, rare disorder of the central nervous system in infants and young.
  • Temporal lobe epilepsy - See Epilepsy, temporal lobe.
  • Teratoma - Tumor made up of several types of different tissue, none of which is native to the area in.
  • Thalassemia (Mediterranean anemia; hereditary leptocytosis) - Inherited form of anemia in.
  • Thrombocytopenia - Reduction of platelets in the blood, which reduces blood clotting and increases.
  • Thrombocytosis - Abnormal increase in the number of platelets. Often causes no symptoms. Usually.
  • Thrombophlebitis (superficial) - Inflammation and small blood clots in a vein near the body surface.
  • Thrombosis, venous (Deep-vein thrombosis) - Blood clot that forms in a vein, usually in the lower.
  • Thrombosis - Blood clot in a blood vessel.
  • Thrush - Infection by yeast cells of the mouth, usually in infants.
  • Thymectomy - Surgical removal of the thymus gland.
  • Thyroid profile - Cost is about $30.00. Blood tests performed include T3 uptake and T4 uptake. See.
  • Thyroiditis - Inflammation of the thyroid gland. Acute thyroiditis is caused by a bacterial infection and.
  • Thyroxine-binding globulin abnormalities - Condition in which abnormal globulins circulating in the.
  • Tibio-fibular disease - Disorders of the two big bones of the leg between the knee and ankle.
  • Titer - Quantity of a substance required to produce a reaction with a given volume of another.
  • Tonsillitis - Inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are small at birth, enlarge during childhood and become.
  • Tonsils - Clumps of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat.
  • Toxemia - Presence of toxins in the bloodstream. Also called blood poisoning. See Eclampsia;.
  • Toxic adenoma - Small, benign nodule in the thyroid gland that secretes thyroid hormone. Cause is.
  • Toxic nodular goiter - Tumor of the thyroid gland with nodules. Causes overactivity of the thyroid.
  • Toxic-shock syndrome - Disease characterized by sudden onset of fever, diarrhea, vomiting, sore.
  • Toxicosis - Any disease condition due to poisoning.
  • Toxins - Poisons, usually produced by or occurring in a microorganism.
  • Transferase deficiency - Deficiency of any group of enzymes called transferase. Transferase enzymes.
  • Transferrin - Substance present in the blood. It is essential for transportation of iron from the intestine.
  • Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) - Temporary decrease in blood supply to part of the brain. The.
  • Translocation - Removal to another place. In genetics, the shifting of a segment or fragment of one.
  • Tri-Iodothyronine (T3 3) toxicosis (Thyroid storm) - Crisis in uncontrolled hyperthyroidism.
  • Tricuspid regurgitation - Abnormal flow of blood backward through the tricuspid valves.
  • Tricuspid stenosis - Closure of the tricuspid valves.
  • Tricuspid valves - Valves between the left ventricle and the aorta.
  • Triploidy - Presence in humans of 69 chromosomes (3 full sets). Frequently causes miscarriages.
  • Trisomy - Addition of a third chromosome to an otherwise normal cell.
  • Trochar - Instrument with a blunt component inside a sharp tube. Used to pierce the wall of a body.
  • Tropical sprue - Chronic form of malabsorption accompanied by diarrhea; occurs in the tropics and.
  • Tuberculosis - Contagious, bacterial infection caused by the germ mycobacterium tuberculosis. Usually.
  • Tubular epithelial damage - Damage to the lining cells of kidney tubules.
  • Tubular function - Normal function of kidney tubules.
  • Tularemia - Infectious bacterial disease of rodents that is transmissible to man by infected insects or.
  • Tumor - New growth of tissue in which multiplication of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.
  • Turner's syndrome - Chromosome abnormality seen in about 1 in 3,000 live female births. It is.
  • Typhus - Disease caused by various species of rickettsia. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache.
  • Ulcer - Round, crater-like lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting from tissue death.
  • Ulcerative colitis - Serious, chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine (colon). Characterized.
  • Unconjugated bilirubin - Fat-soluble form of bilirubin that circulates in loose association with plasma.
  • Uremia - Presence in blood of excessive amounts of protein metabolism byproducts, such as urea.
  • Ureter - Tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  • Ureteroceles - Prolapse of the end of the ureter where it joins the bladder. Prolapse is a falling or.
  • Urethra - Hollow anatomical structure that leads from the bladder to outside the body.
  • Urethritis - Inflammation or infection of the urethra.
  • Urogenital - Referring to the kidney and reproductive systems of the human body. Also called.
  • Urokinase treatment - Treatment with the enzyme urokinase found in urine. Enzyme activates the.
  • Valvular heart disease - Complication of diseases that distort or destroy heart valves. The heart has.
  • Varices - Enlarged veins, arteries or lymph vessels.
  • Vasculitis - Inflammation of a blood vessel.
  • Vasoconstriction - State in which blood vessels are tightened or narrowed. Can be caused by the.
  • Vasopressin-resistant diabetes insipidus - Diabetes insipidus that does not respond to treatment.
  • Vasopressin - Hormone made by the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland.
  • Venous hypertension - Pressure in veins that is higher than normal.
  • Venous thrombosis - Blood clot in a vein.
  • Vertebral-artery disease - Disease (usually hardening of the artery) in the vertebral artery, a large.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux - Condition in which urine flows backward from the bladder into the ureters.
  • Vestibular - Pertaining to an oral cavity in the middle of the inner ear.
  • Virilization - Process in which secondary male sexual characteristics are acquired by a female, usually.
  • Visual field - Field of vision measured by special tests.
  • Vitreous (Vitreous humor) - Clear fluid that fills much of the eye.
  • Von Willebrand's disease - Inherited disorder characterized by abnormally slow clotting of the blood.
  • Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia - Rare, progressive disorder associated with abnormal proteins.
  • Wedging - Crowding, forcing or pushing into a limited space.
  • Wegener's granulomatosis - Progressive disease characterized by lesions in the bronchi and lungs.
  • Whipple's disease - Malabsorption disease characterized by diarrhea, fat in the stool, skin.
  • Whooping cough - Serious, contagious, bacterial infection of the bronchial tubes and lungs, most.
  • Wilm's tumor - Rapidly developing malignant tumor of the kidneys in children under 5 years of age.
  • Wilson's syndrome - Degeneration of the liver and the nucleus of the lens in the eye.
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome - Inherited immunodeficiency disorder only affecting males. Characterized.
  • Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome - Intermittent rapid heartbeat or atrial fibrillation with characteristic.
  • Xanthines - Class of drugs that stimulate the brain and smooth muscles, such as bronchial tubes and the.
  • Xerophthalmia - Abnormal dryness and thickening of the mucous membrane lining of the eyelids and.
  • Yellow vision - Objects appear yellow. One symptom of digitalis toxicity.
  • Zenker's diverticulum - Outpouching in the region where the pharynx and esophagus touch.
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - Syndrome with three features: severe ulcers of the stomach or small intestine.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD